July 17 Was Car Break-In Day! Three Thefts from 24-Hour Fitness Lockers


Below is the weekly crime report from the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station that calls out incidents in WeHo from July 17 to 23. The list also includes each case.

July 17

Grand Theft. 500 block La Cienega Boulevard between 1:45 and 6 a.m. An unknown suspect removed a wallet, cell phone and car keys from the victim while he was sleeping in his car. Loss $1,500. #03823

Vehicle Burglary. 1000 block Fairfax Avenue between 6:30 and 9 p.m. An unknown suspect smashed the front passenger’s side window and removed a purse containing makeup from underneath the front seat. Loss $190. #03833

Vehicle Burglary. 1000 block Fairfax Avenue between 6:30 p.m. and 9 a.m. An unknown suspect smashed the front passenger’s side window and removed a handbag containing a wallet, $500 cash, and medication from the front floorboard area. Loss $2,000. #03834

crime, west hollywood sheriff's stationVehicle Burglary. 500 block North La Cienega Boulevard between 11:40 p.m. and 12:40 a.m. An unknown suspect smashed the rear passenger’s side window and removed a laptop computer and GoPro camera from the back seat. Loss $2,750. #03839

Vehicle Burglary. 8100 block Norton Avenue between 4:30 p.m. and 8:50 a.m. An unknown suspect pried the front passenger’s side door, which caused the passenger’s side window to shatter. No items were taken. Loss $1,200. #03846


July 18

Nothing significant to report.

July 19

Residential Burglary (Attempt). 8900 block Dorrington Avenue between 8:14 and 8:24 p.m. Three men jumped the front gate and smashed one pane of the double-pane glass front door. The suspects did not gain entry and fled the area after the victim’s dogs starting barking. Loss $1,200. #03874

July 20

Locker Burglary. 8600 block Santa Monica Boulevard between 11:30 a.m. and 12:20 p.m. An unknown suspect cut the lock and removed a wallet containing credit cards from the gym locker. Loss $500. #03871

July 21

Aggravated Assault – Hands, Fist, Feet. 8800 block Santa Monica Boulevard between 12:01 and 1:50 a.m. A man was sitting at the bar when he was attacked by two men for unknown reasons. The victim was punched and kicked several times before losing consciousness. #03926

Grand Theft. 9000 block Sunset Boulevard between 12:01 and 2 a.m. An unknown suspect removed an unattended purse containing a cell phone, $1,000 cash, passport and credit cards from the bar counter. Loss $12,000.

Vehicle Burglary. Ashcroft Avenue / San Vicente Boulevard between 6:15 and 9 p.m. An unknown suspect removed a leather tote bag containing a laptop computer, wallet, glasses and makeup from the front passenger seat. No sign of forced entry. Loss $3,500. #03898

Vehicle Burglary. Santa Monica Boulevard / West Knoll Drive between 10:30 p.m. and 2 a.m. An unknown suspect smashed the rear passenger’s side window and ransacked the interior. Loss $200. #03904

July 22

Locker Burglary. 8600 block Santa Monica Boulevard between 11 a.m. and 12:10 p.m. An unknown suspect cut the lock and removed a wallet containing credit cards from the gym locker. Loss $40. #03905

Vehicle Burglary. 1200 block North La Brea Avenue between 10:45 and 11:30 p.m. An unknown suspect smashed the front driver’s side window and removed a backpack containing a laptop computer from the front seat. The backpack was recovered a short distance from the crime scene but the laptop is still missing. Loss $3,850. #03918

Vehicle Burglary. 1200 North La Brea Avenue between 9 p.m. and 7 p.m. An unknown suspect smashed the rear passenger’s side window and removed a backpack containing a laptop computer and iPad and a duffle bag containing clothing from the back seat. Loss $2,300. #03937

July 23

Locker Burglary. 8600 block Santa Monica Boulevard at 1:30 p.m. An unknown suspect cut the lock and removed a wallet containing credit cards and a wedding ring from the gym locker. Loss $320. #03923

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7 years ago

Were the locks really cut?
There are ways to open gym locks quickly.
Check out YouTube.

Some amounts of the claims look inflated – except for $40. Unless you want cameras inside the locker room, also, people should leave their valuables at home, period.

If it’s an epidemic, circulate a petition to have them station a roving locker room guard.

7 years ago

Locker theft almost 3 days in a row at about the same time at 24 Hour Fitness. Cameras near the locker room entry area, and scanners for ID and entry to the facility. Difficult to understand how nobody could see or hear locks being cut three separate occasions. I haven’t seen any notifications about this at the gym itself yet. Seems like they would rather not let people know about it, or don’t really care.

7 years ago

WeHoVille, could you get a statement from management at 24 Hour about their security measures? Rugby Resident suggested that non-members are entering the locker room by jumping over the back fence, and I believe that may be true. Fairly recently, while in the locker room, I saw a guy come up the stairs who was fully dressed in street clothes. I would expect anyone coming up those stairs to be wearing nothing but a towel, naked, or a bathing suit. Although I took notice of that, I thought nothing about it three minutes later until now.

Harsh Reality
Harsh Reality
7 years ago

Any car break-in report that ends with “from the front seat,” “from the back seat,” or “from an unlocked vehicle” should come with an eye roll emoji.

These car smash and grabs have got to stop (probably the same crew, emboldened by never getting caught by our crackerjack sheriff’s department) but why are people making it SO easy for them? Why not leave a sign on your windshield: WALLET, CAMERA AND COMPUTER INSIDE. HELP YOURSELF

Rugby Resident
Rugby Resident
7 years ago

24 Hour Fitness doesn’t seem to care that non-members are jumping over the back fence to enter. Sheriff’s Dept. has been notified. You think there’s a connection?

7 years ago

As a member at 24 Hour Fitness who usually goes during the hours of these break-ins, I’d like to know what efforts they are taking to catch the thief.

7 years ago

I think there is a camera at the entrance to the men’s locker room at 24 Hour Fitness. Couldn’t that footage be reviewed to narrow down the possible suspect? I know I may be inaccurately assuming this is the male locker room, but I would imagine the women’s locker room also has a camera at the entrance.

Were the three locker break-ins in the same bay of lockers, or were they located randomly, which would suggest that victims were targeted?

7 years ago

We still see thefts due to stupidity of articles from vehicles because they were not secure in the trunk. Who in their right mind leave computers, cameras and wallets where they can be stolen so easily.

As a member of 24 Hour fitness I find it odd that one could walk thru the locker room cutting locks and stealing from various lockers without being observed and questioned. Could this be an employee or former employee which would not raise suspicion?

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