Volunteers Sought for L.A. County’s Annual Homeless Count in January


Wonder how many homeless people there are in West Hollywood? In Los Angeles County?

You can help figure that out by signing up for the 2018 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count, which is scheduled for Jan. 23 through 25 of next year.

Johnny, a homeless man who lives on the sidewalk on Santa Monica Boulevard in WeHo.

“The most recent Homeless Count estimated there are almost 58,000 people homeless in Los Angeles County on any given night,” said Mark Ridley-Thomas, chair of the L.A. County Board of Supervisors. “In a county as prosperous as ours, it is a moral outrage and a humanitarian crisis that even one person has to sleep on the streets at night.”

“Every Angeleno counts, whether they have an address or not,” said Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti. “The annual Point-In-Time count is the best tool we have to measure the scope of our homelessness crisis, and get L.A.’s fair share of federal funding. Putting feet on the street in January will make a big difference in our work to get people into safe housing as quickly as we can.”

The count is a point-in-time enumeration that seeks to document the number of people without a permanent, habitable place to call home. The data collected is critical to assessing strategies and funding decisions by city and county policymakers seeking to successfully meet the needs of homeless individuals and families.
Volunteers may register at www.theycountwillyou.org.

The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority is a joint powers authority of the City and County of Los Angeles, created in 1993 to address the problems of homelessness in Los Angeles County. LAHSA is the lead agency in the HUD-funded Los Angeles Continuum of Care, and coordinates and manages more than $243 million annually in federal, state, county and city funds for programs providing shelter, housing and services to homeless persons. For more information visit www.lahsa.org.

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