$25,000 in Cash Stolen from Vehicle in WeHo Last Week


Below is the weekly crime report from the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station that calls out incidents in WeHo from March 26 to April 1. The list includes each case number. This report lists Part 1 (serious) crimes for the date range shown and is not meant to be a complete list of all serious crimes.

March 26

Grand Theft. 600 block North La Peer Drive between 5:30 and 6:45 p.m. A women reported $25,000 in cash was taken from her vehicle while the vehicle was with a valet service. #01937

Grand Theft. 8200 block Palm Avenue between March 26 and 29. An unknown suspect removed golf clubs and ski boots from the parking garage. Loss $2,300. #02020

crime, west hollywood sheriff's stationArmed Robbery (Suspect Arrested) 7100 block Santa Monica Boulevard. at 9:55 a.m. A man removed clothing and a laptop ventilator and left the store without payment. When confronted by store security, the suspect began to swing his arms in an attempt to escape. The suspect then reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife, which he began to swing and point at the victim in a threatening manner. The suspect was allowed to leave. Responding deputies located and arrested the suspect. Loss $60. #01915

Strong Arm Robbery. 8700 block Beverly Boulevard at 10:45 a.m. A traffic collision occurred and the victim exited his vehicle to exchange information with the suspect. The victim tried to take a picture of both vehicles, but the suspect grabbed the victim’s cell phone from his hand and fled the area in his vehicle. Loss $200. #01918

Strong Arm Robbery. 8900 block Beverly Boulevard at 3 p.m. A women removed two leather backpacks and one leather purse and began to run from the store. An employee who was blocking the suspect’s exit was knocked to the ground by the suspect. Loss $4,380. #01928


Vehicle Burglary. 1000 block North La Brea Avenue between 9 and 10:15 p.m. An unknown suspect smashed the front and rear passenger side windows and removed a backpack containing makeup from the front seat, two backpacks containing a camera and sunglasses from the back seat, and a purse from the backseat. Loss $2,000. #01939

Vehicle Burglary. 9100 block Sunset Boulevard between 8 and 9 p.m. An unknown suspect smashed the rear passenger side window and removed a backpack containing a laptop computer, headphones, iPad mini, and an iPad case from the interior. Loss $3,100. #01941

March 27

Vehicle Burglary – Suspects Arrested. 9000 block Santa Monica Boulevard at 1:10 am. A women and three men were seen sitting inside a vehicle they did not own and were confronted by a witness. The suspects removed a jacket and guitar cables and ran from the vehicle. Two of the suspects were arrested later that evening. Loss: Jacket and guitar cables. #01944

March 28

Grand Theft. 600 block N San Vicente Boulevard at 10 a.m. An unknown suspect removed a cell phone from gym bag while the victim was playing basketball. Loss $1,100. #01974

Strong Arm Robbery (Suspect Arrested). 8300 block Santa Monica Boulevard at 2:35 p.m. A man removed miscellaneous food items and left the store without payment. When confronted by store security, the suspect punched the victim two times in the face in an attempt to escape. The suspect was arrested. Loss $174 (recovered). #01978

March 29

Armed Robbery (Simulated) (Suspect Arrested). 8900 block Santa Monica Boulevard at 4:40 p.m. A man approached the teller window and produced a note that said he was armed with a gun and demanding money. The employee walked away from the window and entered a back room. The suspect fled the area on foot. No loss. #02001. The suspect was arrested a short time later after committing a similar incident, refer #02004.

Armed (Simulated) (Suspect Arrested). 8600 block Beverly Boulevard a 5:43 p.m. A man approached the teller window and produced a note that said he was armed with a gun and demanding money. The employee gave the suspect cash and the suspect fled the area on foot. Responding deputies located and arrested the suspect and recovered the stolen money. #02004.

March 30

Grand Theft. 9000 block Beverly Boulevard at 7 p.m. An unknown suspect removed a wallet containing $3,500 in cash, credit cards,and a driver’s license that the victim accidentally left at the cash register of the store. Loss $3,570. #02039

Residential Burglary (Suspect Arrested). 8400 block Fountain Avenue at 6 a.m. A man broke a rear window in an attempt to gain entry to the residence. Responding deputies located the suspect outside of the building and arrested him. #02016

Residential Burglary. 1100 block Ogden Drive between March 30 and April. An unknown suspect removed two handguns and two ammunition magazines from a firearms safe in the bedroom closet. No sign of forced entry. Loss $900. #02104

March 31

Grand Theft. 600 block North Robertson Boulevard at 3:30 p.m. A man removed a purse strap and a handbag from a display area and left the store without payment. Loss $2,200. #02125

April 1

Aggravated Assault – Knife. 8800 block Santa Monica Boulevard at 11:30 p.m. A man was walking through the dance floor when he bumped into another man, which caused a short verbal altercation. The victim walked away and then felt someone strike him on his lower back but he did not feel any pain. The victim realized later that same night that he had been poked with a pocket knife. #02082

Residential Burglary. 1000 block Martel Avenue between 6:30 a.m. and 7:50 p.m. An unknown suspect removed a laptop computer, iPhone speaker, camera, and two camera lenses from the living room. No sign of forced entry. Loss $1,700. #02075

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Andrew Solmssen
Andrew Solmssen
6 years ago

A West Hollywood tale:

1. Somebody put $25,000 *in cash* in their car.
2. Somebody *left* $25,000 in their car.
3. Somebody gave a car *with $25,000 in it* to a valet.
4. Somebody is *surprised* $25,000 is now gone.

There’s something going on here, and a sticky-fingered valet is the least of the problems.

6 years ago

I’m glad I’m not the only one who saw through that one. I am often suspicious of the various crime reports, but this one stands out.