Devices to Slow Traffic Coming Soon on WeHo’s Lloyd Place and Genesee Avenue

A speed lump, which is a variation on a speed hump in that it has wheel cutouts to allow emergency vehicles to move more quickly

West Hollywood will soon be installing speed lumps on Lloyd Place and Genesee Avenue as part of its effort to reduce speeding and cut-through traffic on residential streets.

The speed lumps will be installed on the 019-9058 block of Lloyd Place and the 1000 block of Genesee Avenue. Six months after the installation, the city’s Public Works Department will test the impact of the lumps on traffic and decide whether to keep them.

As part of its neighborhood traffic studies, City Hall staff has been working with residents to identify and implement solutions to reduce vehicle speeding and cut-through traffic since 2014. The recommended improvements are based on extensive neighborhood input regarding traffic related quality of life concerns, suggestions from community engagement meetings, traffic volumes and speed counts, analysis of potential benefits and needs for the neighborhood street systems.

The city’s Neighborhood Traffic Management Program requires a neighborhood petition as part of the approval process. The NTMP policy requires at least 51% support from residents within a petition area that would be impacted by a proposal. The policy was designed to ensure there was reasonable support for a traffic calming proposal before proceeding for Transportation Commission review and City Council approval.

Traditionally, the city has required that residents have petitions signed by their neighbors, using a paper petition form, to indicate their support for a proposed traffic calming measure. Now, residents can gather signatures from their neighbors by sharing a fast, convenient, easy-to-use online petition form.

There currently are 34 open petitions, which can be accessed online here.

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4 years ago

I haven’t seen a petition. Where is this on Lloyd Place?

4 years ago

We haven’t been told of any petition. Where on Lloyd Place is that block?

4 years ago

Would love to see these installed on Willoughby near the few intersections that don’t have stop signs.

4 years ago

That’s great! They installed them on Havenhust south of Santa Monica Blvd. and they have really slowed the speeding down!

Brian M
Brian M
4 years ago

Yes! We just got these ‘HUMPS’ on my street Laurel between Fountain and Sunset. We can more safely pull out of or buildings and cross street with dogs or groceries without darting traffic flying down the street. I see the newer car models going over them still at fast speeds.

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