Census Bureau Suspends Field Operations Because of COVID-19 Pandemic


The U.S. Census Bureau suspended its field operations in March 2020 because of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. It anticipates reactivating field operations in April 2020. The City of West Hollywood has been actively promoting participation in the census count, which is used to determine the number of members of the U.S. House of Representatives are allocated to each state and the allocation of federal funds to local and state governments.

As a result of the suspension:

  • Most households should have already received the Census form by mail. The self-response phase has been extended until Aug. 14. Community members can respond by mail or, to ensure adherence to Safer at Home directives, may respond online at www.2020Census.org;
  • Census takers will drop off ‘respond online’ invitations at five-million households across the country between March 29  and May 1;
  • Census Bureau staff are planned to assist people at grocery stores with responding online from April 13 to Aug. 14; and
  • Census takers will interview nonresponse households in person, maintaining physical distance to ensure health and safety, between May 28 and Aug. 14.

West Hollywood has been working to achieve a complete census count in Census 2020.  “The census provides critical information,” said Mayor John D’Amico. “A complete count will help to ensure that West Hollywood receives a fair share of federal funding and investments and, on a state level, the count will determine California’s apportionment in the U.S. House of Representatives. As this coronavirus pandemic proves, its more vital than ever that people in our community take part and be counted.”

By law, the Census Bureau must deliver each state’s population counts to the President by Dec. 31, which is used to determine its number of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives. The Census Bureau will deliver the local counts each state needs to complete legislative redistricting by April 1, 2021.

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Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
4 years ago

It’s hilarious…..that in 2020 we conduct a census in this manner. So many ways to get the info without the unnecessary cost.