EDITOR’S NOTE: The organizers of the protest mentioned below have announced that they are cancelling it in response to threats of violence and fear that others might take advantage of the event to loot nearby buildings.
Two men have taken to social media to announce that there will be another George Floyd protest Monday at 4 p.m. on Sunset Boulevard.
The “sit in” protest will involve people sitting on Sunset at intersection of Crescent Heights Boulevard near Laurel Canyon and blocking traffic.
“As a major intersection in LA, the purpose of blocking its pathway is to immediately congest the flow of the city and to upset the way of living for those privileged enough to live in the Laurel and Sunset Blvd. canyons,” says the social media post by Luke Austin (@lukeaustinphoto) and Brandon Mathis (@bmvthis).

“This standstill will symbolize the immediate feelings of African Americans not being able to go about our lives on a day to day basis without there being an obstacle of some sort.”
The protest will be the latest of many that began in Los Angeles on Saturday and brought thousands of people West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, the Fairfax District, and downtown Los Angeles.
The protests against the death of George Floyd and other acts of violence against African-Americans by law enforcement officers have prompted West Hollywood and now Los Angeles County to declare curfews to keep people at home and off the streets. While the marches have largely been peaceful, they have been followed by robberies of a number of small businesses in the Fairfax District and on Melrose Avenue. A few in West Hollywood, notably the MedMen cannabis retailer on Santa Monica Boulevard, also have been broken into.
George Floyd died on May 25 after an altercation in Minneapolis with a police officer who kneeled on his neck while Floyd, who was handcuffed, screamed that he couldn’t breathe. Floyd had been arrested for allegedly trying to use a counterfeit $20 bill to make a purchase at a deli. A video of the incident went viral and has sparked protests across the nation. Several Los Angeles Police Department officers have been injured in the protests as have protestors who have been hit by rubber bullets and beaten and thrown to the grown.
“While this protest is for black people, the voices and faces we need to see present the most are from our allies,” said the call for participation in the demonstration. “Any one of my non black friends who said in response to my video that you see me, you hear me, and you are with me, I need you to actually e with me on Monday. I need you to bring your non-black friends and family and those who would like to help. I need you to be the ones forming groups and brings people who may not have come. We need you to pull up.
“They can’t go through us, they will have to go around us. And they will have to acknowledge us. We are an immovable force. And when we stand together, as a whole, we bring awareness.”
Correction: An earlier version of this story failed to identify the men promoting this demonstration. This protest is being organized by Luke Austin (@lukeaustinphoto) and Brandon Mathis (@bmvthis) and the story had been updated to note that.
I will meet them with bat in hand. They will not terrorize my neighbors or our neighborhood. Calm collective protest Yes! Seek and destroy, No! Get ready Sunset heights don’t play!!!
ANTIFA lunatics will be there and THUGS who don’t give a damn about Mr. Floyd’s murder! They come to rob, maim, and destroy. That is what anarchists (NO different than WHITE Supremacists) and gangs of thugs do!
People, if you think your cars, homes AND personal safety are not on the agenda …well, good luck!
I will be outside my local business protecting them. This is my neighborhood. You are welcome to protest you are not welcome to vandalize my neighborhood that has been a pinnacle of acceptance for all sorts of people.
Unfortunately, this event has been posted all over the internet and people still plan to show up to destroy property and loot. The point has been made. Now is the time to do the work. First, volunteer to clean up the communities that have been damaged. Organize. Set up dialogues with the police, government and business leaders and community organizers. Listen to each other. Vote! Over 400 years of racism will not be changed by marching only but must include doing the hard work of getting involved in everything from the community to the top of national leadership. Educate yourself.… Read more »
Reliable, accurate information should be a primary responsibility of every individual, site or vehicle using its content to influence others. This pertains to the organizers as well as Instagram and Wehoville.
Did Wehoville, the last one to repeat this chain of events consult West Hollywood Sheriff Captain or City Manager for confirmation and/or preparedness contingencies to assure a public situational awareness? The rumor mill regardless of the platform is still a rumor mill.
Accuracy, immediacy, reliability and followthrough. Please.
We can’t stand and watch what happened in Santa Monica, happen here. I’ll be waiting patiently for them. Go ahead, make my day.
Agreed. I’m fully armed and ready. Loot my neighborhood? Make my day.
This event has been canceled
so this helps the way white people treat blacks? please explain.
Thank you! It has ZERO to do with the issues of inequality this nation carries from institutionalized racism. STOP flooding poor black American communities with millions of THIRD WORLD illegal aliens driving them further into poverty. That is the strategy of Democrats since the 1990s (I no longer support them!) to gain House Seats. CHANGE…has to come from the top aided by community education and development. Poor black Americans have been forced into (once again) THRID World Schools overwhelmed by illegal aliens. Is that happening in Brentwood, Palisades, Beverly Hills (where the money for Far Left politicians come from?) “Do… Read more »
Austin posted on Instagram that the protest scheduled for today has been canceled. There are further reports on social media that people will be showing up, anyway. For a publication that purports to be a news source for West Hollywood, it would seem that Wehoville is late with their reporting on this most important news story.
WEHOville updated the story at 1:25 a.m. today to announce the cancellation and changed the headline to read: “Cancelled: Latest George Floyd Demonstration Scheduled for Monday on Sunset”. Sorry you didn’t see it.
So, you are unaware of any mentions on social media of people still intending to demonstrate, today?
Posting a story about the latest demonstrations in a few minutes
Henry, thank you and the staff of WEHOVILLE for being an active quasi LIVE info source for residents.
It’s been canceled?
This event has been reclaimed by other protestors and moved slightly to Laurel & Sunset. People will still show up. (See @grlcvlt on Instagram)
This is a bad idea.