‘Relax Ur OK’ — Some Bright Good News on Santa Monica Boulevard

Work by Scott Froschauer on Santa Monica Boulevard at Holloway. (Photo by Jon Viscott, courtesy of City of West Hollywood)

We don’t have any casinos, but when it comes to nightlife (pre- and post-pandemic) and neon signs, West Hollywood rivals Las Vegas with its bright color and brighter lights.

The latest example of that is a public art installation called “RELAX UR OK” and “ONE LOVEby artist Scott Froschauer on the traffic median at the intersection of Santa Monica Boulevard and Holloway Drive.  Already in place, it will be there through June 2022.

Using road signage as an inspiration, Froschauer’s work puts a positive spin to the sort of signage that usually is all about warning of possible dangers.

A native of Chicago, Froschauer has lived and worked in Los Angeles since 1994. He has a background in linguistics and fabrication, and his work has encompassed many forms including experimental printmaking, street art, and large-scale public sculptures. This West Hollywood installation is his first foray into neon art. His early ventures into public art include large scale interactive installations at Burning Man in the Nevada desert.

Scott Froschauer installation on Santa Monica Boulevard (Photo by Jon Viscott, courtesy of the City of West Hollywood)

Froschauer’s work has been installed in public, private, and municipal spaces across the country and internationally including the Glendale, Laguna Beach, Palm Springs, Wichita Falls in Texas and Toronto, Ontario. It has also been seen on display at various galleries and museums including the Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. This West Hollywood installation was curated by long-time West Hollywood resident Valda Lake, owner of the Wallspace gallery. 

RELAX UR OK and ONE LOVE is an Art on the Outside project organized by the City of West Hollywood’s Arts Division. A full photo set of the installation is available on the city’s Flickr account.

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Tom Smart
Tom Smart
4 years ago

He should try to sell the OK sign to the state of Oklahoma

4 years ago

Relax UR OK may be the most important message everyone needs to hear. The reaction to the pandemic has been over-the-top. The actual death rate from covid is extremely low compared to pandemics of the past that killed millions. It is well below 0.1% (yes, zero point one). And even the mainstream media has had to report that there have been thousands of incidents of false positive testing and erroneous “cause of death” reports. This virus almost exclusive kill people who are already on death’s doorstep, and the focus should have alway been on those groups. Instead our over-zeaalous politicians… Read more »

4 years ago

Relax UR Okay?


The LA Times has just reported dramatic increases in white supremacist violence and a downright frightening increase in hate crimes aimed at members of the LGBTQ community.

As a WeHo resident who is also an artist and art lover with a brain, I am offended by the pablum that has been added to the mix on SMB.

Don’t relax. You are NOT okay.

4 years ago
Reply to  mspweho

White supremacists and attacks on gay people? Where? Surely you don’t mean here in LA. Not saying it can never happen in LA, but certainly a much lower incidence.The only violence I’ve seen increasing in recent years is the far left and all the antifa protests, in which they are always the ones instigating violence, bringing baseball bats and hammers with which to fight and destroy property. Perhaps there are certain places where a gay person might be more subject to harassment, or where there might actually be some nazi skinheads or something, not sure where that would be. But… Read more »

Eric Jon schmidt
Eric Jon schmidt
4 years ago

I love the art. If people are going to use SMB as a way to get from one side of town to another, we might as well give them something to talk about. Art is very important in society. Not only does it reflect the current culture, but it takes the mind off the terrible things in life, if even for a moment.

Woody McBreairty
Woody McBreairty
4 years ago

The new art is a welcome deviation from all the depressing graffiti & boarded up doors & windows & deserted store fronts. And very appealing, both day & night. This is also art that can be appreciated by everyone, not some abstract concoction that has to be “interpreted” & is most always ignored. There should be more lights of some kind on Santa Monica Blvd. to breathe some life back into the neighborhood, exclusive of the colored lights strung across S.M. Blvd. The retailers should be encouraged to use more animated neon-lit signs both there & on Sunset Strip, which… Read more »

4 years ago

Neon signs to distract from the dissipated streets and neighborhoods showing obvious neglect? How about property owners and neighbors donning masks, gloves, grabbing rakes, brooms, pruning shears and good old fashioned soap and water to clean up the sidewalks and parkways? Clean begets clean, it’s similar to the broken windows concept. We have neglected public areas in front of residences and businesses that are only enjoyed by the dog population as public bathrooms. Get with the program folks!

4 years ago

Love these! A sly and playful wink at our section of Route 66 along Santa Monica Boulevard. Love how they light up this particular bend in the road. Just what we need right now – a little lightness to brighten these dark times. Thanks, WeHo, for these moments of joy.

4 years ago

I love it!

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
4 years ago

the signs look cheesy. SMB between Doheny and La Cienega is a huge eye sore……

4 years ago
Reply to  Ham Shipey

These art installations are all EAST of La Cienega. Nowhere near Doheny…

They are a great addition to the area.

4 years ago

Love our art-filled medians on Santa Monica Blvd! Kudos on the concept and the curation!

Often walk the winding sandy path on the west-most one to Doheny in the late afternoon with my fur baby- when the setting sun hits the multichromatic acrylic cacti of James Petersen the effect is transporting.

Two more fine (and fun) additions by Scott Froschauer with timely messages! Keep up the good work!