Mike Jenkins Retires as City Attorney; City Council Pays Tribute to Him

Mike Jenkins

Mike Jenkins has officially retired as West Hollywood’s City Attorney after 36+ years in the job.

Jenkins has been the city attorney since very beginning in 1984. He helped get the city established by writing some of the city’s initial municipal codes and organizing the city’s internal structure.  

Over the years, Jenkins helped write various ground-breaking legislation, including the city’s rent stabilization ordinance, domestic partnership ordinance, anti-AIDS discrimination ordinances, anti-animal declawing ordinance and many more. He also successfully defended those ordinances in court.

The City Council paid tribute to Jenkins during its meeting on Monday by presenting him with a proclamation and a key to the city.

In his goodbye speech Jenkins thanked the city for being the highlight of his professional career.

“My work in WeHo, my support for a defense for all these initiatives, has been the most significant accomplishment of my career,” said Jenkins. “In so many ways, this city has defined me. It has been my second family.”


Jenkins said he was there at the incorporation meeting of the city on November 29, 1984 in Fiesta Hall, calling it an electric and heady time. He said the city has lived up to the high expectations of that inaugural meeting.

“I knew something big lay ahead but little did I know how wild and wonderful a journey it would be,” said Jenkins “I should have guessed that a community that selects leaders so brave, so willing to push the envelope of what is possible, so comfortable with risk would take us to places where few cities venture.”

Lauren Langer, who has been acting as the assistance city attorney for the past several years, now moves up to become the main city attorney.

Watch the tribute to Jenkins and his goodbye speech in the video of the March 15 City Council meeting below. The tribute to Jenkins starts at the 25:18 mark  and lasts 12 minutes, including Jenkins comments.

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