The City of West Hollywood will resume service today for The PickUp, WeHo’s Free Weekend Ride.
The PickUp will travel along Santa Monica Boulevard in a loop with stops in each direction between N. Robertson Boulevard and N. La Brea Avenue. It will run on Fridays and Saturdays from 8 p.m. to 3 a.m., and Sundays from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m.
As part of the City of West Hollywood’s wide-ranging efforts to safeguard community health during the COVID-19 pandemic, The PickUp will feature modifications that align with directives for entertainment shuttles from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. Directives include:
- Social distancing will be maintained on vehicles (six feet between passengers, if achievable);
- Riders will not be allowed to board with COVID-19 symptoms;
- A reduction will be made in vehicle capacity;
- Windows will be open to improve ventilation and reduce the risk of transmission;
- Drivers will seek to ensure riders’ masks cover nose and mouth; and
- Drivers will be fully vaccinated.
Specific modifications to The PickUp will limit ridership to 50 percent of maximum capacity to assist riders in maintaining social distance. Properly worn masks will be required to board and may not be removed while aboard trolleys. Modifications may impact service efficiency and frequency of PickUp timetables.
The PickUp (also known as The WeHo PickUp) is a fun, flirtatious, and lighthearted trolley service that was launched by the City of West Hollywood as a pilot program in 2013. The program was continued in 2014 and, in 2015, a route extension was approved along Santa Monica Boulevard in a loop with stops in each direction between N. Robertson Boulevard and N. La Brea Avenue. Service was paused in March 2020 following the City’s Declaration of Local Emergency and regional Safer at Home orders.
The PickUp will resume offering a safe and convenient way to reach a destination in the City of West Hollywood on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. A cool and convenient alternative to driving, The PickUp reduces driving while intoxicated. Launched with a bright palette of illustrated graphic pop-art characters, The PickUp will evolve to feature newly refreshed photo-based characters with new typefaces, logos, and designs. The soft-launch will feature a roll-out of one trolley featuring new graphics and additional trolleys in the fleet will be refreshed in the coming weeks.
Visit The PickUp online at www.wehopickup.com to access a trolley tracker, route information, and more. Check out and follow The PickUp’s social media pages @wehopickup on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
For more information about The PickUp, please contact Francisco Gomez, City of West Hollywood Transportation Program Administrator, at (323) 848-6454 or at fgomez@weho.org. For people who are Deaf or hard of hearing, please call TTY (323) 848-6496.
It needs to run later on Sundays, but otherwise, it is a nice thing to have.
Taken it many times. A wonderful & fun experience!
used to ride the pick-up trolley regularly.
never saw a problem.
no homeless and no drunks.
What year?
Look at all the comments praising this decision! You’re outnumbered, Wehofan. You lose.
If it was a great service, more would use it.
Lots of people use it, what are you talking about? It only runs for limited times, it is not part of Metro, for pity sake.
Great news and much appreciated!
I rode the pickup several times (pre-covid) and *not once* noticed any homeless people.
Free transportation so people aren’t inclined to drink and drive?! THE HORROR!
Same experience. I wish the trolls who comment without experience would at least be smart or entertaining trolls. The one-note, lazy troll is no fun.
Your comment isn’t smart or entertaining.
Not needed. Waste of funds.
It’s much needed and a great service for our city. Guess you’ll have to deal with it
Why is weho subsidizing your drunk trolley rides?
I love how mad you are about a free trolley
Free? Those funds could be used for low income housing and more sheriffs.
Free trolley ride. Stay miserable and whining. All you do is complain on this site. It’s tired at this point.
tax payers funding a shuttle for drunks and the homeless.
Damn, Ham! Cripey, Shipey! The horror – drunks and homeless!
“tax payers” so not you, Ham.
Which business is yours?
Hmmmm. $34 million public works project to take out the Red Car tracks and plant trees on semi improved sidewalks. Now we have stinky busses and the lame trolly. Could have retained a historic attraction w the Red Car running East/west. Was this foresight?
Homeless shuttle.
I think during the day it should shuttle the homeless in Weho to a downtown shelter.
[…] Gomez, City of West Hollywood Transportation Program Administrator, at (323) 848-6454 or at[email protected]. For people who are Deaf or hard of hearing, please call TTY (323) […]
The pick up line is up before the city council resumes in-person meetings. Pathetic miscarriage of public service.
Ditto !