City survey: WeHo worried about safety, but not sure about solutions


Richard Bernard with FM3 research presented the results of a city-sponsored survey to WeHo City Council on Monday. The survey was intended to draw a clearer picture of safety and security in WeHo, in the wake of a private “push-poll” survey that raised ire with city leaders earlier this year. 

The survey was conducted Oct. 26 through Nov. 3.

568 respondents of all ages were polled via telephone and the internet.

While 72 percent of respondents said they felt safe in their neighborhoods during the day, but that number dropped down to 49 percent at night.

Residents on the East Side were the most likely to report they felt “not very safe” at night.

Respondents were overwhelmingly pleased with the West Hollywood Fire Department; however they were far less satisfied with the Sheriff’s Department. The percentage who rated the department good or excellent dropped from 77 percent in a 2016 survey to 49 percent in the new survey. The West Side was happiest with their work, while the East Side was least happy.

Nonetheless, a majority of people wanted the Sheriff’s Department to receive more funds from the city.

Most people were unaware of who the city’s Block by Block Ambassadors are or what they do, even when the surveyors explained they are the unarmed bike and foot patrol officers assigned to neighborhoods and parks. 


72 percent said homelessness was a very serious problem, by far the greatest concern, followed by package/mail theft, unsafe driving and pedestrian safety. 

West Hollywood people were not particularly concerned about law enforcement mistreatment of people. 

Respondents were enthusiastic about the Mental Evaluation Team (MET) as well as the proposed Behavioral Health Crisis Team, both meant to deter homeless people away from incarceration. When given the choice, they preferred these services over the Sheriff’s Department. 

They were largely willing to cut funding from city events like film screenings, summer concerts, Halloween and Pride in order to pay for increased security measures.

Councilmembers noted that the survey presented no easy answers.

“You folks are the responsible ones for for the city,” Bernard said. “I’ve left you in a place where you have to figure out something that’s a hybrid of some sort that you think is the right way to go.”

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all in our heads
all in our heads
3 years ago

According to the Councilmembers, and according to D’Amico, its all in our heads. There is no crime in West Hollywood.


[…] Public Safety Commission didn’t make headlines, but the board that advises City Council on the No. 1 concern of its citizens now has a very newsworthy name in its […]

Jamie Francis
Jamie Francis
3 years ago

I have to concur with previous commenters on here who have said and I will reiterate the sentiments implored on here, that is you don’t feel safe in your own community or in your own neighborhood that impacts everything from commerce to spending and going to places of business. You see how people have cornered, ganged up, ambushed and use their masks to conceal identities all the while following, robbing and assaulting everyday citizens without facing consequences and arrests or being deterred from criminal activity. If they are arrested no one ever admits to crimes, so we the community never… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Jamie Francis
WeHo Needs High Values
WeHo Needs High Values
3 years ago
Reply to  Jamie Francis

WeHo could use adults with verifiable high values running the city not neophytes plotting their next expeditious moves.

3 years ago

With regard to “Shelter beds and homeless services WITHIN City limits,” it should be noted that 50% of respondents want this be a high priority and 26% mark this as “somewhat” of a priority. It is time we stopped kicking the can down the road. Homelessness is a regional problem, which includes West Hollywood. I wish they would finally set up some homeless services within the city. It doesn’t have to be a shelter, but maybe some public restrooms and showers, information as to where to to seek shelter, and maybe some food. Meanwhile that huge lot owned by the… Read more »

Public Safety or Public Relations
Public Safety or Public Relations
3 years ago

A good question would be whether or not the participants of this production, staff and LASD have done a cost benefit analysis at any time considering their choices.

3 years ago

Why do John Erickson’s friends insult people on wehoville?

3 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

Because they have nothing else.

3 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

Because Erika Erickson is a yellow belly!

Jamie Francis
Jamie Francis
3 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

I completely agree with you and what you said! I have told Wehoville/Larry and mentioned how these particular individuals online have hijacked conversations, confront commenters and insist on explanations who use this news platform for online intimidation and cyber bullying towards views and other commenters these certain individuals disagree with! They need to be called out and prevented from continuing their tactics on Wehoville!

Last edited 3 years ago by Jamie Francis
3 years ago

If you don’t feel safe in your own neighborhood…you don’t have anything. Not surprised to see most are willing to see cuts in Halloween, Pride, concerts, etc. in order to divert those funds to public safety. Also pleased to see a vast majority want to see more funds given to the Sheriff’s Dept. (Council are you listening…defund the police is NOT what the people want). No one criticizes firefighters…everyone wants a fire put out and are thankful to see firefighters when they show up to put out a fire. Not surprising that less people are as happy with the Sheriff’s… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  JF1

and ENFORCEMENT of the law.

Public Safety or Public Relations
Public Safety or Public Relations
3 years ago
Reply to  JF1

Your comparison with fire fighters is illustrative. So would be the rules of skill and discipline at my boarding school,it was a simple proposition

The Sheriff Dept appears more concerned with whether or not their uniforms are neatly pressed and making over the top responses to simple issues. The seem hopelessly wound up in a labyrinth of strategy interspersed with protocols of the Public Safety Dept. aka Public Relations Dept. Simplicity seems best as in old fashioned policing works.

3 years ago

No sure of the solutions? Really. The answer is very simple. Increase patrols and officer presence and put officers on foot in heavy traffic areas; Sunset Strip, Santa Monica Blvd and Melrose. Funding can come from the outrageous salaries provided city hall personnel and commission personnel. Funny how the council can figure out how to fund West Hollywood Park budget overruns, but hasn’t any idea how to bring and fund safety measures for the city. Can we please get some adults to govern this city?

Last edited 3 years ago by :dpb
3 years ago

For months I have been suggesting we look at Beverly Hills success with the 1,900 cameras they have installed. Why are we not taking the successes from our bordering community Beverly Hills? Over and over WeHo is trying to recreate a strategy instead of taking the Best Practices from neighboring communities. Overall, I feel the survey is quite accurate.

3 years ago
Reply to  alex

More surveillance???

Cameras and cops may be more helpful after a crime has been committed, but they do not prevent crime.

You must have deep-rooted fears. Work them out in therapy.

3 years ago

Why would anyone think this ridiculous city council could do anything about safety?

As for the stinking homeless, get them off our streets and put patrol officers back on.

3 years ago
Reply to  #SHEmustgo

How about a city law making it a crime to hand anyone on public property any food or money, both the recipient and the giver go mandatory to jail for a month. Instantly, the homeless will move to other cities, that is if they want to eat. Problem solved. You’re welcome. And to all the naysayers who think it won’t work, be sure to include your proposed solution that you think is better than mine, or don’t bother commenting. Thank you.

3 years ago
Reply to  WehoQueen

You really view homeless people as less than human, don’t you?

Anyone who isn’t rich is a just dirt beneath your feet. It’s shameful and some might say sociopathic.

3 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

I guess you missed the part about criticizing me, without providing your solution to the homeless problem which you think is better than my solution.

3 years ago
Reply to  WehoQueen

You don’t have a solution.

Scott Sigman
Scott Sigman
3 years ago

I am not positive more cops more money works properly since more calls from myself and room mates go unanswered being in the border of LA What’s up with Melrose and Lacienga and added issues LA and Weho need to work this out together Not throw money at sheriffs How many times have one seen FOUR TO SIX SHERIFF cruisers talking to a home less person? Does every vehicle have to come to one spot? I think the grid for sheriff protection should recommend how many cars needed per situation How many times have I seen fire trucks go one… Read more »

Ruth Williams
Ruth Williams
3 years ago

It’s interesting that a city with a population of over 38,000 only 568 responded. It stuns me to see that these results will be assumed are a reflection of the city as a whole. In re: the Sheriffs Dept, they are not perfect but I can guarantee you, having our own PD will be a disaster! There are many cities that disbanded their own PD’s to contract with LASD due to corruption within their own PD’s and they didn’t have the services, facilities etc. I think the Council needs to look long and hard at what the loss would be… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Ruth Williams

The last thing we need is for this city council to be in charge of their own police department.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ruth Williams

“The survey was conducted Oct. 26 through Nov. 3.
568 respondents of all ages were polled via telephone and the internet.”

They didn’t poll 38,000 people.