Masks still encouraged but not required by county


Los Angeles County’s health director continued urging residents Monday to wear masks, even though they’re no longer required in most indoor settings, saying they still offer strong protection against COVID- 19 transmission.

“Although masking is not required, both the state and our Public Health Department are strongly recommending masking, regardless of vaccination status, in indoor public spaces,” Ferrer said in a statement. “And those who are at elevated risk, or who live with someone who is at elevated risk, should wear a well-fitting respirator, as they provide the best protection against COVID-19.

“COVID-related illness can be quite dangerous for many, since even those initially experiencing relatively mild illness can go on to develop long COVID. Taking sensible precautions remains the best way to keep everyone as safe as possible.”

The county lifted its indoor mask mandate for most locations on Friday, following the state’s lead. But the masks are still “strongly recommended” by the state and the county.

Masking is still required in higher-risk settings, including health care facilities, transit centers, airports, aboard public transit, in correctional facilities and at homeless shelters and long-term care facilities.

Indoor masks also continue to be required on K-12 school campuses, although the county and state will lift that requirement on Saturday. The policy, however, is expected to remain in place in the Los Angeles Unified School District until the end of the school year.


Despite the easing of the requirement, county officials noted that individual businesses can still opt to require face coverings. People are also free to wear masks whenever they see fit, particularly in crowded settings or while interacting with people at higher risk of severe illness from the virus.

The county on Monday reported 43 new COVID-19-related deaths, bringing the overall death toll from the virus to 31,046. Another 1,675 new cases were reported from the past two days. The county no longer reports COVID numbers on Sundays.

The new cases gave the county a cumulative total from throughout the pandemic to 2,805,119. The average rate of people testing positive for the virus was 1% as of Monday.

According to state figures, there were 731 COVID-positive patients in Los Angeles hospitals as of Monday, down from 755 on Sunday. Of those patients, 130 were being treated in intensive care, down slightly from 131 on Sunday.

People attending indoor mega-events of 1,000 or more people — such as sporting events — in the county are still required to show proof of COVID vaccination or a recent negative test to be admitted. Vaccine verification or a negative test is also still be required for workers at health care facilities and congregate-care facilities.

But the county has dropped its requirement that people show proof of vaccination to patronize indoor portions of bars, nightclubs and lounges or outdoor mega-events.

However, a city of Los Angeles ordinance that took effect Nov. 8 remains in effect. That ordinance requires people over age 12 to show proof of vaccination before patronizing indoor restaurants, gyms, entertainment and recreational facilities, personal care establishments, some city buildings and mega-events with 5,000 or more attendees within the city of Los Angeles. People can be exempt from that mandate for medical reasons or if they have a “sincerely held religious belief,” and each business is responsible for reviewing exemptions.

City Council President Nury Martinez on Friday introduced a motion to start the process of possibly rescinding the ordinance. But the full council must first agree to do so, then the city attorney will have to draft a new ordinance and bring it back to the council for another vote.

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2 years ago

West Hollywood is the last hold out of the most draconian medical segregation in the country. End vax passports in WeHo NOW!

Join our LGBTQ Health Freedom community on SUNDAY MARCH 20th, 12pm—4pm at West Hollywood Park, and send a message of LOVE over mandates.

Tom Van Patton
Tom Van Patton
2 years ago

Dr. Fauci was one of the few doctors who at the time of the AIDS epidemic was willing to push to find a solution to the issue. I find it rather ungrateful that gay men would have anything negative to say about a man who probably saved the lives of so many gay men and others with HIV. The right wing crazies were on a crusade to get him probably because he was so instrumental in helping gay men. But history is full of that kind of ingratitude and sadly it always comes back and the ones who were ungrateful… Read more »

2 years ago

Barbara Ferrer is the same as Fauci. An overpaid government bureaucrat. Her salary is over $400,000 per year. She IS NOT A MEDICAL DOCTOR. We should listen to her? What is in her resume that would give anyone confidence that she can give medical advice? These people that the sheeple of California have elected Newsom, Garcetti, etc., need to wake up NOW. Tell me how walking into a restaurant with a mask on and then seconds later seated at a table all is ok maskless? Do the sheeple really believe this virus is giving you a pass because you are… Read more »

2 years ago

If Larry Block is elected to the city council, will this site still let people insult public officials’ appearance?

Dawn Lacey
Dawn Lacey
2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Lol. You’re so weak I’m starting to feel bad – actually! Its too easy with you and I’m going to stop because it’s clear you’re unstable and really sensitive. I’m sorry!

Last edited 2 years ago by Dawn Lacey
2 years ago
Reply to  Dawn Lacey

Please troll somewhere else on the internet. I’m sure 4chan will love you!

Dawn Lacey
Dawn Lacey
2 years ago

Mask Barbara Ferrer – it’d make her more attractive. The real question is why she’s never masked? That face needs it.

Double vaxxed & boosted here. It’s time to move on, people. But I know it’s hard for the Sally’s of West Hollywood. Especially green eyed guy. He’s real weak.

Mean Spirited
Mean Spirited
2 years ago
Reply to  Dawn Lacey

Such a mean spirited comment shows more about the commenter than the unfailing efforts of Barbara Ferrer. We are blessed to have her diligence.

Dawn Lacey
Dawn Lacey
2 years ago
Reply to  Mean Spirited

Lol. So blessed. Bless your heart.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dawn Lacey

Commenting nasty insults at 5am on a local news site? Pathetic.

Dawn Lacey
Dawn Lacey
2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Did you want me to wait until 7am? Sorry I work.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dawn Lacey

Or you were up from the night before. Yikes

2 years ago

If masking is still “strongly recommended” and required in certain places and schools, why did they drop the mandate?

2 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

A better question would be “If masks are ineffective, why are they still being encouraged?”

And the answer to that would be… “Because we’re trying to save face after a year of pushing broken science”…

2 years ago
Reply to  TruthTeller
2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

A piece of fabric over your face (or under your nose) doesn’t stop you catching Covid genius.

Or is there where you’re going to pretend mask mandates ACTUALLY policed effective masking?

They didn’t. It was all theater. And nut jobs (like you) celebrated it, because you enjoyed the righteousness far more than the effectiveness.

2 years ago
Reply to  TruthTeller

I can tell you didn’t even bother to visit the link.

N95 and KN95 masks are quite effective at preventing the current variant of COVID-19.

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Lol what percentage of regular folks wore N95’s or KN95’s during the past 12 months of mandated masks? Huh genius?

Answer? It was effectively zero.

You’re welcome to vacu-seal your face and run a hepa filter through it if you wish. But pretending mask mandates had any ACTUALIZED benefit is garbage. They didn’t. The net impact of mandated makes was a populace wearing ineffective fabric over their face, and a smug sense of righteousness born out of ignorance.

Again. It was all theater.

2 years ago
Reply to  TruthTeller


2 years ago
Reply to  TruthTeller

So you’re just making up statistics now? Lol okay “TruthTeller”

I’d say 75% of people were wearing KN95 masks or better during the omicron surge. I traveled during the holidays and saw this first hand.

You continue to spew lies on this site. It’s ironic considering your username.

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

“You’re making up statistics”….

*takes a breath*

“75% of people wore KN95’s”

You’re…. seriously deluded.
Absolutely insane.

2 years ago
Reply to  TruthTeller

Oh? Don’t like when people make up statistics?

See how that works? 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  TruthTeller


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