The Race is On! WEHOville was there.
West Hollywood is located in District 3 of the County of Los Angeles. The 2022 race for County Supervisor began more than a year ago with many high profile candidates entering the race. WEHOville was proud to present the most in-depth, exclusive, personal interviews with all the candidates.
WEHOville’s extensive coverage began with introducing you to Assemblymember Richard Bloom, and continued with LA County Controller Ron Galperin. The boundaries of District 3 were redrawn. District 3 would now include the Valley districts of State Senator Harry Stern and State Senator Bob Hertzberg. Bloom and Galperin dropped out.
WEHOville proudly brought Henry Stern to these pages. The senator was later endorsed by Mayor Lauren Meister.
Our coverage continued with Roxanne Beckford Hoge, the mom of four who is the most conservative candidate in the nonpartisan race.
Next up was State Senator Bob Hertzberg. Bob used to live in West Hollywood and came to the Starbucks on Santa Monica Blvd to meet and greet WeHo residents.
This past weekend we continued our Los Angeles County Supervisor race coverage with a personal interview with West Hollywood City Councilmember Lindsey Horvath. Horvath has become a top-tier candidate with a clear path to the November election.
And we concluded our coverage this past weekend with Craig Brill. Brill is the only LGBTQ candidate in the race.
We weren’t able to interview her, but Jeffi Girenti rounds out the race.
Stern, Hertzberg and Horvath are the top fundraisers in the race for County Supervisor and the race is considered a toss-up for these 3 top tier candidates. Recent polling has indicated a close race between the candidates. Sorry, there are no polls available at the moment.
35 out of 253 votes in a straw pole says something. No self serving dilettantes wanted. These are serious times requiring serious folks.
Only voted for Horvath to get rid of her. Hope she makes the runoff but will not vote for her again.
How funny and progressive.
All candidates are white.
No, Beckford was born in Kingston, Jamaica, and immigrated to the U.S. in the late 1970s.
Good lord, does everything have to be measured by color? Is there no consideration for merit? Maybe no POC had any interest in running. What are you going to do, go out and recruit one? Then, of course, you would have to vote for them, because it would be racist not to.
Couldn’t agree more. This idea of identity politics is self defeating. Using aggressive behavior to assert one’s self ahead of skill and honor is a weak tool and annoys as many as it is likely to attract. It attracts like minded self identified victims.
Think about being a whole, balanced person and the world may recognize you.
“Good lord, does everything have to be measured by color?”
I don’t know, does it? You’re the one that admits to profiling people based on their skin color.
You’re like a dog with a bone. When you think you have something you keep knawing at it but, in truth, you have nothing at all. You read to confirm your biases and completely miss what was written. I couldn’t have been more clear but it doesn’t fit your narrative.
Hi. Nice to meet you. I’m not interested in anyone’s color. I’m more interested in viewpoint diversity. Luckily, I bring lots to the table! Check out the forum with all 6 candidates to see where we all stand on major issues. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28ogRCE6ePs&feature=emb_imp_woyt
Roxanne ahead of Horvath.
How great is that.
Hertzberg for the win!