Roxanne Beckford Hoge wants to bring conservative common sense to Board of Supervisors


If Los Angeles County government is a dysfunctional family, who better than a mother of four to fix it?

Roxanne Beckford Hoge is proud to show her maternal stripes in her race to become the next District 3 County Supervisor — it’s a core value of her campaign, along with her unapologetically right-of-center, no-nonsense approach.

Beckford was born in Kingston, Jamaica, and immigrated to the U.S. in the late 1970s. For the past 30 years, Beckford has been a television actor, known for her work on A Different World. She also found success in the business world when she and her husband founded a maternity clothing website in the late 1990s.

Now, she’s ready to turn her focus on serving the people.

“When LA’s children and businesses were sacrificed over the past two years, while vulnerable seniors and our homeless population were ignored and all of us felt the rise in crime, we all looked to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, and found most of them completely lacking,” she said.

What is your take on the Board of Supervisors and retiring Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, whose position you are hoping to take over?

I think many people who go into public service start out with one intention and then the job ends up being about getting re-elected.  She has never been seen in the Valley that I know of in the past five years.

By the way, the districts for the Board of Supervisors in our county are ridiculously large. Really, we should have better representation, which means more direct representation. It’s kind of crazy that the most populous county in the United States of America has one of the smallest board of supervisors.  All they do is spend their time getting elected and then now that we have term limits, which I think people thought would help, they just seek another office, so there’s this Hollywood Squares type of rotation.


We should go back to what the Founders intended, which is, people leave the private sector to serve for a time in the public sector and then leave to live under the rules and the laws that they themselves made. These people treat their constituents and anyone who differs from them politically like trash. They are condescending and mean to people in the office and people out of the office.

For two years, the Board of Supervisors deemed themselves essential enough to get their paycheck but not to show up anywhere. So it was just two weeks ago they went back to the office and they still don’t let people petition for a redress of grievances.

We need real diversity.

What would you bring to the board?

My melanin content doesn’t have anything to do with my abilities. When everyone just goes “yeah yeah yeah” in a room, you don’t get to good decisions. Nobody ever starts out on the same page. And so the job is to hear all sides and come to a conclusion that — in a funny way of saying it — makes everyone feel bad.

That they gave up something. You want everyone to have to get in the game and you want everyone to understand why you came to the conclusion you did. I was actually just at dinner last night with some friends who had been robbed. Literally someone came into their house with weapons. They didn’t care about the vaccination data of the cops who showed up. They just wanted to not be executed in their beds at night.

Where do you place yourself on the spectrum between liberal and conservative?

It’s a non-partisan race. I became a citizen in 2000 and I registered no party preference. As I always say I’m a member of the “leave me the heck alone” party. What’s missing in Los Angeles is balance and we can see that on the board. Everything they vote on is 5-0 or 4-1, and while I’m sure they’re all lovely ladies, there’s no reason not to have viewpoint diversity on the board. I’m pretty sure I would not agree policy-wise with all four of them on anything.

Does your political stance line up with your potential constituents’ values?

A group of moms pushed me to run. They are all Democrats who have become absolute 100 percent single issue voters. They’re saying stop hurting my children. They’re ACT Blue, they have Bernie stickers, they’re all in on Kamala Harris, and they’re done. They have two issues: medical freedom and crime. And if the only way to get that is to vote for someone who’s a conservative or a member of the Republican Party, they’re all in.

The Board of Supervisors has a difficult and adversarial relationship with the Sheriff’s Department. What would you do differently?

I think this is where being a mother of four actually should be a requirement for this job because this is a dysfunctional family relationship if you’ve ever seen one. They’re supposed to work together. The sheriff is supposed to be handling more important things than plastic forks or whether furriers work in in L.A. County. And the relationship shouldn’t be cozy. It shouldn’t be ‘We’re besties and rubber stamping everything.’ I can’t really talk about the Sheriff’s relationship with the Board without also talking about the L.A. Public Health Department’s relationship with the Board because those are two extremes.

The relationship should be one that requires critical thinking. I’m gonna ask you hard questions. I deserve and need answers for our constituents. I want to know where the money is going. I want to know what your plan is to solve x, y and z problems. I understand the frustration on both sides but especially for the sheriff. He is where the buck actually stops. Everyone knows we have a sheriff; not everyone knows we have a board of supervisors. He’s the face of anything that should go wrong.

By the way, this contentious relationship hasn’t, by the grace of God, led to a wholesale disaster yet … but it will because he’s had to sign off on over 100 hours of overtime for his officers that are remaining and allowed to work thanks to the hiring freeze and the budget freeze. At some point one of those officers will make a mistake that will be deadly. I 100 percent support the Sheriff on the crucial things, our right to pursuit of happiness, life and liberty and actual bodily protection. The relationship needs to get a reset, which we will get if I’m elected to the Board of Supervisors.

What direction is L.A. County heading in?

The thing about Angelinos is we’re all so chill, right? We’ll pass tax increases because we just want to solve problems. We want to help people and we will sacrifice our own personal safety and even that of our children so that nobody thinks we’re bad or racist. Nobody will say, “You know, I know it’s pretty crappy to have piles of garbage on the street,” because they don’t want to be that one, but guess what? It looks really crappy to have garbage on the street. And it was one of the things that, when I came to this country, I marveled at. I remember saying to my stepdad, “Hey where’s your garbage?” He’s like “We don’t just put it on the side of the road, and we have a garbage collection.”

And we have a library system. Again, one of the things that the Board of Supervisors is supposed to take care of. And I don’t think people appreciate that other countries don’t have that. So if you are a kid with an intellectual bed but your family doesn’t have one or your poor or your whatever going into a public library is like opening a golden ticket to a whole new world and the fact that we can’t go to our library because they’re homeless centers. When we take away libraries, guess what, that’s pretty racist. And that leads to inequity, because that’s a place where kids could get a leg up.

When we closed school, we sentenced untold numbers of children to bad futures. There’s a cohort of kids between the ages of 1 and 4 — their vocabulary is restricted by a huge amount. L.A. psychiatrist Dr. Mark McDonald has written and talked about this. Now that schools are back, public and private are all saying that the kids back in school are having huge behavior problems. They don’t know how to function. Kids who are in ninth grade for example: The last time they had school, they were in seventh grade. A kid who’s in second grade has never seen their teachers’ face until this year. So we have done a grand experiment on a grand scale that will have some repercussions for young people for years to come.

How could you represent WeHo better than Lindsey Horvath, an elected official who’s already represented the city?

I am not a career politician. I am not interested in esthetic stuff. I am not interested in being in this for life. When I said I was gonna run  some unnamed people came to me and said, “Well you know Bob Hertzberg, we think he’s gonna win, and maybe if you step out of the race you could work for him.” And I was like, “I have no interest in being a bureaucrat.” What little girl wakes up and says, “One day if play my cards right, I’d like to ticket people or ruin their lives or write regulations that we’d love to make you jump through?” But that’s not what I want to do. I’m a problem solver. I’ve always been a problem solver and a storyteller in my business and into my professional life as an actor. And there are too many untold stories in L.A.. There’s too many of us who came here to live a dream and ended up in a nightmare.

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1 year ago

Hard to believe with all their freedoms they cancell your comments

1 year ago

Is she g$$y with that woman? From Jamaica?? No thanks go back

Roxanne Beckford Hoge
2 years ago

Thanks to WeHoville for sharing the great discussion I had with Brandon, and to all of the commenters for being informed citizens. The Westside Regional Alliance of Councils recently held a forum with all 6 district 3 candidates, which I highly recommend. If you’d like to see an even more in depth Q&A with me, check this out I don’t have big money consultants pulling my strings — everything I say and produce for this campaign is all me. I do confess to using some child labor to make my VOTE buttons. I’m happy to come have coffee or… Read more »

2 years ago

Assuming she is referencing vaccines and/or masks with her “medical freedom” stance, she is a great big NO for me. Or anyone who denies science and willfully puts others at risk. I’d like her to elaborate on what she means by “medical freedom.”

Medical Freedom?
Medical Freedom?
2 years ago
Reply to  Randy

Could you please point out where in her dialogue Ms. Hoge made a comprehensive statement about “medical freedom” or denying science.

2 years ago

She didn’t. I said “assuming,” and asked for her to elaborate on it. All she said was “medical freedom.”

Sci Entist
Sci Entist
2 years ago
Reply to  Randy

Your ‘science’ does not coincide with real and accepted science. Vaccines protect the host from infection. Is this c19 jab doing this? Do masks really prevent transmission of viruses? Herd immunity is around 80%, the USofA has 82+% people injected with the jab. What’s the problem I ask? Please explain if there is herd immunity and people have continually worn masks, how is it still spreading? How? And if masks and jabs work then you should be good. No? The host (that’s you) is protected and if the mask stops the virus from entering your body then you are good.… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Sci Entist

I don’t have to be told to “not be a name-caller.” I owe you zero explanation. I asked her for an explanation, when making the vague statement of “medical freedom.” It could mean a lot of things. The opening of my comments was “assuming.” That word is not a definitive statement as to what she means.

Medical Freedom?
Medical Freedom?
2 years ago
Reply to  Randy

“Assuming” issues is always a dangerous practice, especially in court. You appear to have a mighty thin skin about participating in a realistic discussion. Why is that?

2 years ago

Yeah, you nailed it. I have a thin skin.

Or … maybe I have better things to do than to get into a debate with a total stranger on the internet who had time to type out five full paragraphs to bait me into a debate.

My issue is with this candidate, and what her views are. I made that clear from the start.

Enjoy your day.

Sci Entist
Sci Entist
2 years ago
Reply to  Randy

Let me summarize this for you.

I win with facts. You lose with opinions. Debate over.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sci Entist

I win with facts”

Herd immunity is around 80%, the USofA has 82+% people injected with the jab. What’s the problem I ask? Please explain if there is herd immunity and people have continually worn masks, how is it still spreading?”

This is a lie. Only 66.6% are fully vaccinated. Where are the facts?

Medical Freedom?
Medical Freedom?
2 years ago
Reply to  Randy

I get your point. Once one attempts to argue with an idiot, it is easy to become one but often it is hard to take a pass on outrageousness

2 years ago
Reply to  Sci Entist

There isn’t herd immunity in the U.S.. Amazing- you managed to type all of that out and couldn’t google the U.S. vaccination rate to see only 66.6% of the population is fully vaccinated (only 30% with the booster).

We aren’t even close to herd immunity and people absolutely have not continually worn masks. You’re kidding, right?

I encourage you to read up on virus variants:

Sci Entist
Sci Entist
2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Your leader spoke. He said 80% have jabbed up. He doesn’t understand the why other 20% aren’t jabbed. I suggest you read up (google) on your man obama before you spout off about something you know nothing about. From what I witness masks have been worn everywhere by everyone. In fact, there are some (many) that are still wearing them everywhere. So stop the charade and antics with the nonsensical ‘we haven’t continually worn mask’ bit. Talk about ‘googling’? There are many peer reviews studies on the effectiveness (lack thereof) of masks stopping virus spread. Go and google son. Have… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Sci Entist

So are you going to address the fact that you made up a statistic and you’re trying to parade around like you “win with facts”. You in FACT, blatantly lied about data that is extremely accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

I suggest you read up (google) on your man obama before you spout off about something you know nothing about.”

My man Obama? Weren’t we talking about vaccines? Why can’t you stay on topic?

“From what I witness masks have been worn everywhere by everyone”

LOL you know this isn’t true. What a bad faith argument.

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

greeneyedguy, I suggest you not take any more of the bait. They are trying to turn this discussion forum, which is about local issues, into a debate about masks, mandates, vaccines, etc., etc.. Bringing up Obama suggests that this is a right-winger, who just wants to argue. And honestly, I don’t care who this person is.

2 years ago
Reply to  Randy

You’re absolutely right.

Bi Ology Major
Bi Ology Major
2 years ago
Reply to  Randy

Obviously when you are confronted with the truth you clam up and claim someone is a ‘right-winger’. I voted for obama twice, some ‘right-winger’. You have no argument against the FACTS, keep running as it is a sign of weakness and capitulation.

The whole conversation started when your friend brought up ‘vaccines’ and such.

Again, I win. You have no argument, just opinions. And who in the world cares who you are? You sound unreasonable and unable to support your opinions with facts. LOL

2 years ago
Reply to  Bi Ology Major

Do you hear that? That is me not caring. 

I’ve never met “greeneyedguy,” so I don’t think we can be called friends.

You are using two different handles. Shortly after I posted my comment yesterday, I received a barrage of comments, which all came in in less than an hour, I believe. All trying to pick a fight with me about this. Are you part of West’s merry band? 

Enjoy the rest of your day, with the satisfaction that you “won.” 

2 years ago
Reply to  Bi Ology Major

You have written multiple lies and made up statistics and then claim it to be “truth”. Google is your friend.

You lost the argument a long time ago. You can’t even stay on topic.

2 years ago
Reply to  Randy

Like the science of BLM marchers/rioters not having to wear masks but closing the beaches. Like having a BLM march in June but the pride parade has to be canceled because of the science. Like the science of having to wear a mask on an airplane, except for the 30 minutes or so while you are eating…you can’t spread the virus then I guess the science says.

2 years ago
Reply to  John

I asked for her stance. The BLM march was not a permitted parade. No government authority authorized them to have an unmasked parade. It is completely different. Having a mask off for 30 minutes on an airplane is risky, but not as risky as having it off for the duration of the entire flight, and through the airport.

2 years ago
Reply to  Randy

Churches are not government sponsored but the government shut down service even when they were outdoors. Same with beaches, shut down, same with any business trying to operate…but they did not shut down BLM marches. Where is that science? You fail to see the hypocrisy in the so called science.

2 years ago
Reply to  Randy

“ Lockdowns, mandates and passports are the major issue of the day with millions of people protesting against them worldwide. In fact, what has become known as the Medical Freedom movement is arguably the biggest and most diverse international movement in world history.

Vaccine mandates and vaccine passports are among the most vile, unconstitutional, immoral, unscientific, discriminatory and outright criminal policies ever enforced upon the population and goes against everything the Green Party stands for under Social Justice. ”

Source: Green Party Black Caucus

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
2 years ago

I am a life-long classic liberal who reads through the conservative label attached to this candidate and I see talk of common sense, no-nonsense, critical thinking, discussion that addresses the rise in crime and the fact that these districts are too large. She’s made it onto my radar screen. She sounds like someone who will address the nuts and bolts of sound governance rather than the performative bullpucky practiced by one of the candidates. And yes, we need more of what the founders intended–more citizen-legislators who do some time and return to their communities. Career politicians are a malignancy on… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

Spot on.

Eastside Straight Girl
Eastside Straight Girl
2 years ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

Totally agree Alan!

Logical Larry
Logical Larry
2 years ago

Life Pro Tip: anyone who fights against common-sense vaccines during a global pandemic has implicitly told you everything you ever need to know about them. Same goes for anyone who aligns themselves in any way with the mindset of The Party of Trump and Other Traitors.

Sci Entist
Sci Entist
2 years ago
Reply to  Logical Larry

Vaccines protect the host from infection. Is this c19 jab doing this? If it is truly a vaccine, say like the polio or smallpox VACCINES, would you really have a worry of contracting c19? Anyone who calls this c19 a vaccine has implicitly told you everything you ever need to know about them.  Same goes for anyone who aligns themselves in any way with the mindset of The Party of Brandon and Other Traitors. Hyper inflation, wars breaking out, shortages of all kinds, energy crisis, sky high grocery prices. What is your favorite part of Brandons ruination? Personally I think… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Sci Entist

Anyone who calls this c19 a vaccine has implicitly told you everything you ever need to know about them”

Trump told me to get the vaccine, though. He said it was safe and effective. Why did Mr. Trump lie to me?!

2 years ago

She sounds like a breath of fresh air. I would trust a mom who manages 4 children than a sleazy career politicians any day of the week.

2 years ago

I love how ever since Trump, the GOP’s best strategy is “I have no experience, I’m the person for the job!”

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Versus Far Left scammers? I love how the lunatic Far Left tries to fault every day people who are interested in serving their communities. But, then again they voted a lazy idiot into the presidency that shows clear signs of dementia, sat in Congress for 47 years doing nothing but legislating two bills. One against bussing ( joining racist KKlanners to fight desegregation of public schools). The other to tax retirees social security.
And they have the audacity to condemn a person untainted by political garbage.

Dawn Lacey
Dawn Lacey
2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Obama sweet heart was a community organizer and a freshman senator. He never built a business. He never had to make payroll. You never have either. Still waiting for your next stimmy check in your rent controlled apartment. You need to grow up and be a man. My apologies, probably: ‘they’, ‘it’ & ‘lazy’.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dawn Lacey

Thanks for pointing out Obama had experience!

Your nastiness speaks to your character.

Sci Entist
Sci Entist
2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

He voted ‘present’ 130 time in the illinois senate. Some leader! If that is experience it is a very low bar you have set.

And you of all people calling people nasty? That is rich!

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Based on your criteria, the cross walk guard has as much experience as Obamas by being present.

Eastside Straight Girl
Eastside Straight Girl
2 years ago
Reply to  Dawn Lacey

oh my, Dawn…..i got a laugh out of your true response!

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

and how is Biden and all his “experience” doing?

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

You have missed the point. Some people absolutely have a gift for what they choose to do and a sensitivity for the situation. As a problem solver, they use intuitive means to create a fresh approach. On the other hand, Trump’s experience was as a diabolical con artist.

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

I guess you didn’t read the article very closely. She’s not affiliated with any party. After immigrating to the United States and becoming a citizen she chose specifically not to join one party over the other. She just has a more conservative approach then the proven unsuccessful approach of the far leaning left. Hardly a GOP master strategy.

2 years ago
Reply to  JF1

I’d say being featured on “PragerU” multiple times makes her party preference very clear.

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Like I said, “She just has a more conservative approach then the proven unsuccessful approach of the far leaning left. Hardly a GOP master strategy.”

2 years ago
Reply to  JF1

She gets paid by an extremely conservative propaganda machine. No doubt she has some powerful GOP strategists consulting on her team.

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Where in the article does it say that she’s being paid by anybody? When a magazine, website or newspaper does an article on you they don’t pay you.

2 years ago
Reply to  JF1

Wow, after all of my comments you didn’t infer that I did more of my own research on this woman?

Is that allowed?

Sci Entist
Sci Entist
2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Site the payments or source. Do you have any sources or are you just libeling yourself? Just asking.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sci Entist

Lol “cite” and “site” have different meanings.

La Confirmed
La Confirmed
2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

That’s all you have? Autocorrect issues.

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Why don’t you stop trying to pin a label on her and just listen to her ideas and be open to something other than what we currently have and have had for a long time that is obviously not working.

2 years ago

“Who better than a mother of four?” Really? The fact that someone over-breeds qualifies them for office? Are you kidding? Someone who takes overpopulation seriously would be a good start. Also, anti-maskers DO NOT CARE about physically vulnerable people. Hardly a good quality in a mother.

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
2 years ago
Reply to  Indy

Relax Francis

2 years ago
Reply to  Indy

Overpopulation? That’s so … last century! The federal government is almost recruiting over-breeders from very poor parts of the world to come live in America, and those who are crossing our southern border are well known for “over-breeding”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak


2 years ago

Medical freedom for the win!

Any would be politician that doesn’t recognize how important health choice is to voters is destined to complete irrelevance.

2 years ago

She’s got my vote instead of Horvath who I wouldn’t vote for Moth Catcher.

Last edited 2 years ago by Fini
Joan Henehan
Joan Henehan
2 years ago

I like what I’m hearing here.

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