DEAR WEHO: We will vote out councilmembers who jeopardized our safety


Dear Council,

Respectfully, if a bucket of glue or a stale cracker is on the ballet challenging Councilmembers Sepi Shyne, Lindsey Horvath or John D’Amico, either will have my vote.

Now that I have your attention, for these three who voted to reduce the amount of funding for our safety and protection from the contracted LA County Sheriff, I will side with any other representative than you since you are not representing me or your constituents, having acted against overwhelming public opinion and creating a more dangerous city by reducing law enforcement. You are all personally and certainly morally responsible for any ensuing crimes against the people of your district.

It is abundantly clear that you are endangering me and my family’s safety at a time when crime is elevated and you are failing us. Please explain to me how defunding police at this time has become a priority for you.

If there has ever been a single issue reason to vote you out of office, this willfully reckless act will insure that I will not only vote you out, but will champion for others to do so as well. Thank you for galvanizing a movement to oust you from office in order to prevent any further degradation of our fair City.

Thank you to Councilmembers Lauren Meister and John Erickson. You not only have my future vote, but will also be receiving all the support I can throw your way, professionally and personally, for your reelection campaigns.

Shame on the council members who voted to make West Hollywood more dangerous and reduce our safety and law enforcement protection. Your vote alone, aside from its material impact, also comes at a cost in optics making West Hollywood appear to be lawless. It further sends a signal to invite criminals to target a community whose leaders now have voted to demonstrate its lawlessness and lack of law enforcement support.


I’m all for adding private security ambassadors, but not at the expense of true law enforcement officers and deputies.
This is unconscionable, but it is not too late to rectify your horrid mistake of combined judgment.

Very truly yours,

Kurt Knutsson
Norma Triangle resident and voter


I am a thirty year condo owner in West Hollywood.  I have always appreciated the city services until now.
West Hollywood has lost its credibility letting four sheriffs go and hiring citizens is walk around as part of safety protections.

This is a joke!

I question our city council and want explanations!

Pam Gates

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Rusty Dover
Rusty Dover
2 years ago

Let’s start a recall for Erickson and Shyne, it seems straight forward enough, page 14

I will need help getting signatures and then we can serve these two and get them the hell out.

If your interested please text your name to 562 444 8549

Last edited 2 years ago by Rusty Dover
Ray Jon
Ray Jon
2 years ago

Yes, I support this. Decision taken by city council is inexplicable.

2 years ago

Well said Kurt and Pam!

Michael G Labarbera
Michael G Labarbera
2 years ago

At election time VOTE the bad apples OUT! We need districts in our city with representatives who vote based on the will of the people and are elected by the citizens.

2 years ago

Good grief.

Cowardly letter not identifying yourself.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joshua88

Their names are clearly on both letters. What are you talking about? Even if they wanted to write anonymously, why would it matter? It is their opinion and their entitled to share it.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
2 years ago
Reply to  Joshua88

Huh? Their names are clearly attached to their commentary, unlike your ongoing spineless drivel written from your city hall office.

Michael on Havenhurst
Michael on Havenhurst
2 years ago
Reply to  Joshua88

Are you the flack for West Hollywood? Horvath is history in November. D’Amico is out the door too. We can vote Shyne out in 2024. In the meantime, We can make her year as mayor the most miserable time of her life. Start with making her the focus of a breach of public trust lawsuit.

Brad Leron-Koo
Brad Leron-Koo
2 years ago

They got my vote

Steve Too
Steve Too
2 years ago

It’s time to reevaluate the West Hollywood form of government. There needs to be a more formalized set of checks and balances along with direct responsibility. A dedicated elected mayor (4 yr term) along with 6 council members could fix this “govern by committee” approach that clearly doesn’t work. The current system is glaringly lacking accountability. This isn’t the 80s anymore, the citizens need someone to right the ship.

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
2 years ago
Reply to  Steve Too

good point. this council seems to ignore the will of the residents.

Isn’t Harmony A Goal
Isn’t Harmony A Goal
2 years ago
Reply to  Ham Shipey

True. It is run like a combined sorority and fraternity arrangement. One troubling aspect is that the LGBTQIA+ community while receiving acceptance and inclusion in West Hollywood, have become increasingly militant and intolerant if those that accepting them making it a divided city and many non in that community “the other” and creating false “social justice ” issues. Very, very troubling when presumably harmony was the goal.

Susie Q
Susie Q
2 years ago

Just FYI, Kurt,
Neither John D’Amico nor Lindsey Horvath will be returning to the City Council after November.
AND…Neither Sepi Shyne nor John Erickson are up for reelection this year. So hold onto that anger and also vote for candidates who care more about our city and our residents than they do their political ambitions and agendas!
So far, Lauren Meister is the only person who is getting my vote!

Last edited 2 years ago by Susie Q
2 years ago

Yes! We will VOTE. THEM. OUT! Count on it. Horvath will be gone soon enough (hopefully not moving up to more power via the county seat she is running for. D’Amico is not running again (thank God), then we have to endure two more years with Erickson and Shyne. We have a chance to re-elect Meister and add Duran and Martin (or Heilman). Together they will reverse the damage done by Horvath, Erickson and Shyne. All other candidates will be more of the same.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
2 years ago

Mr. Knutsson is absolutely correct–it is about the optics that this pathetically ill-informed and hastily proposed motion presents to a world that has more guns than people. Sepi Shyne, John D’Amico and Lindsey Horvath hung a shingle at West Hollywood’s borders that reads “Violence and Crime Welcome Here”. Those imbeciles have zero ability to comprehend that this 1.9 square miles is surrounded by hundreds of square miles of reality.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg


2 years ago

I wholeheartedly agree and will follow suit with Mr. Knutsson and Ms. Gates.

Last edited 2 years ago by :dpb
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