Starbucks CEO: Progressive cities ‘have abdicated their responsibility in fighting crime’


On the heels of the announcement that the “Big Gay Starbucks” in WeHo is closing due to safety concerns, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz took aim this week at progressive cities like West Hollywood.

“I must say, in my view at the local, state and federal level, these governments across the country and leaders, mayors and governors, city councils have abdicated their responsibility in fighting crime and addressing mental health,” Schultz was reported to have said at a private meeting, according to a video posted on Twitter.

Starbucks will be closing six locations in Los Angeles and 10 others in places like Portland, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C. and Seattle — all run by progressive mayors and councils.

“Starbucks is a window into America, we have stores in every community, and we are facing things which the stores were not built for. . . . We’re listening to our people and closing stores, and this is just the beginning. There are going to be many more,” he said Wednesday.

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[…] Starbucks CEO blasts left-wing leaders for being lax on crime […]

Squatters in Noho
Squatters in Noho
2 years ago


Seems to be an epidemic partially endorsed by Howard Schultz

2 years ago

He is 100% right.

2 years ago

After all the analysis, I think this was an egotistical move by Howard Schultz to exert his power and dissatisfaction. Closing profitable stores doesn’t make sense for a businessman without an agenda or really big ego. West Hollywood is hardly the most dangerous neighborhood in America. This is Howard Schultz giving us the middle finger from his golden throne.

2 years ago
Reply to  resident

I agree. I never saw much in the way of bad behavior in this location. There were some indigents in the bathroom on occasion but not frequents. It was popular with locals and a popular gathering spot. Sad about this

Michael on Havenhurst Drive
Michael on Havenhurst Drive
2 years ago

Lindsay Horvath can skip town to avoid last night where were just had to witness the dreary John D’Amico crying over the reaction to defunding the police. Then Sepi Shine blabbed on about equity. Of course these two brought up along with Erickson that employees want to unionize and that’s why they’re shutting Starbucks down. Horvath can afford a luxury vacation in France, because she’s made so much money of contributions to her totally doomed LA county supervisor campaign. Of course when she was schlepping for developers. Or street walking. She got bucks too. Hopefully she loses in November and… Read more »

2 years ago

Unionization. It’s that simple. Starbucks /Schulz is existentially terrified that kindling of unionization that starts in so-called progressive cities will spread like wildfire through the entire company. I recently spent a month and a half in WeHo – lived there for 25 years – and that location, specifically, is actually better than what I recalled except it’s evening business was basically non existent (vs mornings when it was slammed.) Underlining this is Starbucks dated, innovation free vibe: it’s doing the same thing it was doing 25 years ago. The stores have met evolved and this one in particular, which could… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Marie


Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
2 years ago

Any change on SMB is a good thing.

2 years ago

Too bad Lindsey Horvath has been AWOL and can’t comment on this, cause she’s having an absolute blast in Paris, France, for her luxury vacation, while Weho rots. I guess I don’t blame her. She is everything wrong with society and the world, wrapped up into one toxic hypocritical person. Be sure to ask her how Paris was. I picture her sipping an 8 Euro Starbucks Venti by the famed Arc de Triumph, while her policies and votes continue to destroy our City, the one she can’t wait to rid herself of any connection to. Au Revoir, le toxic Lindsey.

2 years ago

I’m mostly blaming Lindsey Horvath and her cohorts–Erickson and Shyne–for the demise of the neighborhood. Their work to defund the police will harm the city in more ways than Starbucks leaving. I can’t even blame the imbecile D’Amico–that’s just who he is. I realize that Erickson flipped on the last vote, but that was only to save his behind.

Matthew Flanagan
Matthew Flanagan
2 years ago

The manager here is a witch with a b.

2 years ago

I think Starbucks and its CEO,Mr. Howard Schultz just got overwhelmed with all the safety issues at these stores they are closing.Instead of working with the cities to come up with a solution,it was decided to close the stores permanently and cut their losses. If Starbucks isn’t going to come back,maybe it is time a new local independent coffee retailer take over the space.The safety issues can be addressed locally instead of a faraway corporate headquarters making policies that don’t work for the community.A local retailer would listen to its customers more closely and make adjustments to the shop’s practices… Read more »

Say What?!
Say What?!
2 years ago
Reply to  hifi5000

That was 1990, and it didn’t last long once he got a liquor license across the street.

Robert Haaga
Robert Haaga
2 years ago

I agree with Danielle. Why would Schultz just close down stores instead of getting on the phone to the Mayor, Sherriff, Congressmen and anyone else that can effect change and work with them to get the problems solved at these stores. How about being a good corporate citizen and helping the cities that you have been making millions off of over the years. If security was the issue, why not hire security personnel. I think the real reason is that during and post COVID Schultz took his eye off the ball, failed to hire polite and welcoming staff, let his… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Robert Haaga
2 years ago
Reply to  Robert Haaga

A very good question!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  CHLOE ROSS

Because closing 10 stores out if thousands of locations does not require nor reach the level of CEO.

David Abrams
David Abrams
2 years ago
Reply to  Robert Haaga

Private security? It’s a coffee shop, not a bank.

The government’s primary responsibility is to provide safety for citizens, and that’s been traded in for brownie points to see who can be the most “progressive”

Concerned WeHonian
Concerned WeHonian
2 years ago
Reply to  Robert Haaga

Why would Schultz just close down stores instead of getting on the phone to the Mayor, Sherriff, Congressmen and anyone else that can effect change and work with them to get the problems solved at these stores. 

Because this has nothing to do with crime and everything to do with the unionization efforts occurring nationally within Starbucks stores. Progressive cities are less willing to put up with Starbucks’ union-busting activities and are willing to stand up for workers’ rights. They’re trying to slow the momentum of the movement but are doing it under the guise of crime.

David Abrams
David Abrams
2 years ago

But city governments don’t have jurisdiction in union-busting claims…..

2 years ago


2 years ago
Reply to  Robert Haaga

I will not go into a coffee shop that has a security guard.