Notice of public hearing: West Basin Municipal Water District Standby Charge


West Basin Municipal Water District (West Basin) continues to expand its water recycling program. The program’s projects increase the supply of drinking water to property owners within West Basin’s service area by using recycled water for non-drinking water purposes (e.g., irrigation, parks, industrial cooling towers).

West Basin has adopted a resolution of intent to levy water standby charges. A copy of this resolution is available for public review by contacting West Basin’s Board Secretary at [email protected] or by submitting a written request to West Basin’s below specified Avalon Boulevard Office. The resolution describes how West Basin will fund the debt service obligation on West Basin’s water recycling facilities by the proposed levying of a water standby charge. The proposed annual standby charges shall be effective July 1, 2023 as follows:

For property located in the City of West Hollywood the rates shall be as follows: single-family home or duplex shall not exceed $9.60 per acre of land, or portion thereof, or $9.60 for each parcel of land less than one acre. For property used for multiple-family residential purposes, including but not limited to condominiums, apartments, mobile homes, motels and hotels, the rate shall not exceed $6.40 per dwelling unit. For property used for any nonresidential purpose the rate shall not exceed $48.00 per acre of land, or portion thereof, or $48.00 for each parcel less than one acre.

For property located outside of West Hollywood the rates shall be as follows: single-family home or duplex shall not exceed $14.40 per acre of land, or portion thereof, or $14.40 for each parcel of land less than one acre. For property used for multiple-family residential purposes, including but not limited to, condominiums, apartments, mobile homes, motels and hotels, the rate shall not exceed $9.60 per dwelling unit. For property that is used for any nonresidential purpose the rate shall not exceed $72.00 per acre of land, or portion thereof, or $72.00 for each parcel less than one acre.

NOTE: THIS CHARGE WILL NOT EXCEED THE CHARGE THAT IS AS CURRENTLY IN EFFECT. THERE IS NO STANDBY CHARGE INCREASE WHATSOEVER. The charge, if adopted, will be collected on the annual property tax bill, or as directed by West Basin’s Board of Directors.


PLEASE NOTE that the Board of Directors will hold a public hearing on May 22, 2023, at 1:00 pm at West Basin’s address shown below and by teleconference at 1-213-349-1594 (Access code, 992-175-598#) to receive comments and written protests, if any, on continuing the proposed water standby charges for West Basin’s fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023. In addition, the Board will review all public protests and/or written comments before considering adoption of the proposed standby charge. Any person may email or file a written protest with West Basin’s Board Secretary, at the street address below or by emailing [email protected], to be received no later than 12:00 pm on May 22, 2023. The protest must identify the landowner and contain a description sufficient to identify the land owned by the landowner.


Edward J. Caldwell

Acting General Manager

West Basin Municipal Water District


West Basin Municipal Water District

17140 S. Avalon Blvd., Suite 210

Carson, CA 90746

(310) 217-2411



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