Erik Braverman and an investor group have acquired Gym Bar. “We are awaiting the transfer of the ABC liquor license,” Braverman told WEHOonline.
“We have some great investors with us on this venture: Justin David and his partner, Jeff Healy, as well as John Manelski and his husband, Jordan Brusso,” Braverman continued. He will retain an 80% interest in the venture with his husband, Jonathan Cottrell.
Braverman serves as the Senior Vice President for the Los Angeles Dodgers, overseeing all community affairs and broadcasting since 2009. Previously, he was the VP of programming for ABC/ESPN Radio Disney for 13 years. He and his husband were married at Dodger Stadium on January 21, 2022.
Below is the bio of the new ownership group of Gym Bar.
My roommate used to work at GymBar. At the new location after the Pandamic. All he did was complain about his manager and tell me all kinds of crazy things they would do. He said sketchy things and one day the ones on top would get caught.
I see they did get caught. Because Gymbar was sold and now there’s new owners.
Looks like the wrong doings that went on they got caught.
I spoke to Rick Schmutzler Monday we did Zoom.. I confronted him. He lied. I can tell. He didn’t look into the camera and he evaded my questions. And he tried to change the subject a few times. He lied to me. Completely lied to me. And I helped promote Gymbar to get guys to fill the bar on slower nights. And I helped during Covid to move things from the old location to the new location. So it’s not like I don’t know him. So when I told Rick what I believe. He hung up on me. So that… Read more »
Rick Schmutzler sold Gym Bar last month. He sold it to pay Lawyer Fees and Judgments he owes.
He’s involved in the Barseen/Vestigate App fraud that he and his Bar Manager Giovanni Vitulli got involved in.
Google Krissy Schuh Barseen/Vestigate App Fraud and read. She stole all of her Investors money with the help of Rick Schmutzler and Giovanni Vitulli.
She and Sally Grace Kushner her business partner both Indicted on Investment Fraud and Money Laundering along with the other two.
I read Rick Schmutzler is selling off his other two bars too.
I used to work at Gymbar in Weho. I saw everything that went on. Even knowing the bottles were filled with cheaper booze. Gio would say. When they are drunk. They can’t tell the difference. I could do a tell all that could be a book. So many sleazy things went on there. I’m glad I no longer work there and left when I did.
I heard about it. My friend Told me. A lot of bad shyt went on there. No wonder the owner sold the Bar. That Rick guy should be arrested and locked away.
Yes this is true Jake. All true.
I hate that Krissy Schuh Woman. One of my friends killed himself a few years back because she Fckd him out of all his savings. He over dosed.
We call her the Drunken App lady.
You should have posted it on YouTube.
Yeah. I want to look and see
GREAT group of folks!!!!
This is WONDERFUL news!!!!!
Rick Schmutzler sold the Bar cuz he has to pay a huge Judgment. His involvement in Krissy Schuh’s Barseen/Vestigate App investment fraud. He along with his Bar manager Giovanni Vitulli helped her steal her Investors money. And Krissy Schuh been Indicated on Investment Fraud.
To bad for Rick Schmutzler. He should of kept clean and not of get involved in that Kissy and Sally Barseen App shiit. Now look. He sold his Gym Bars what next. Sell his house and move out of the Country. He should have kept his nose clean. He phucked himself good.
The new owners are better people. Honest
Not like Gymbars management Giovanni Vitulli. And former owner Rick. Jake McGale I know. Him and Lenny. Lenny was the old bareback and Jake a Bartender both said what when on behind the scenes.
And it’s true too.
Great news. While I loved the old old gym bar, the new old gym bar never really felt built out. The new owners have both deep pockets and business acumen. I expect a nice remodel and more of a true sports theme now. Nice to see an investment in the weho’s main boystown area as well.
to this LGBT investment empowering leadership team. We would appreciate more support to also investments that surpass only alcohol based entertainment establishments. Such a valuable executive investment leadership team could impact and reflect on some of the largest levels of needed support to specific needs if this group was approachable and open to learn more where their ROI can support even larger investment returns, and a much more powerful and legacy level of impact into LGBTQI lives and businesses or 501c3s. We appreciate the strengths of this venture capital group and look forward to the future of other growths… Read more »
Read the blogs posted about Rick Schmutzler. And he sold the bars cuz of legal problems he got himself in with.
ATTN other commenters: It turns out bars being listed or sold to new investors IS NOT a sign the city is in decline.
This is exciting news!
I concur. The decline is due to MANY other issues.
ATTN obnoxious commenter(s)..many issues have caused many other businesses to close. High crime, high number of homelessness, highest tax rate, highest hourly wage. We have more empty store fronts now than any other time at our cityhood. The fact that a few bars have changed hands does not take away from the fact that our current city council regime’s extremist policies are destroying this city. You can try to put lipstick on a pig..,but it’s still a pig. VOTE. THEM. OUT.
The most common reason given for businesses closing was HUGE hikes in rent by landlords. They have been extremely transparent about this.
How come you didn’t even LIST that as a reason?
You’re delusional.
Nope, it is rents, always rent. The Trocodero on Sunset is the latest victim of an end of lease big increase.
The man that used to own the Gym Sports Bar. Rick. I read some sketchy things online about him. It’s no wonder why he’s selling his Gymbars.
Yes Marc he did. And Rick paid huge ass fines. As much to buy a condo in LA. He made a deal and did a tell all to get a lighter sentence. He did a tell all on Krissy Schuh and her business partner Sally Kushner.
You obviously did not live in the area in the early 90s or around 2008 and 2009. The empty storefronts, the failed restaurants and overall sense of decline was huge then, much greater then it is now for those who have been around. Just drive down Melrose today versus even 5 years ago. It is significantly better.
Yeah but how any $20,000 couches can you buy?
The Judgments Rick Schmutzler owes are 10x’s that.
Google Krissy Schuh investment fraud. Rick is involved in it along with his Var Manager Giovanni Vitulli.
You are right Todd.
Ya I bet. Why you think Todd he has to sell his Bars. He’s got Judgments to pay I read.
Soon Rick Schmutzler will have sold all his
Gymbar Sports Bars
. He has them other two listed to sell too. He got get into Legal trouble And it’s not cheap.
He should be in jail too
I agree with you David E. He should. What Rick helped with was part of defrauding people in the Gay Community. And Rick Schmutzler is Gay too. I can’t even imagine he was part of all that. And he was. I don’t have any respect for him. And I been telling my friends about this. I hope he gets his in Court. And they lock him up.
He will be if he don’t come up with all the money. To pay the Judgments and fines. He has to sell the other 2 bars too.
Yeah he should.
Yup. They are.
I guess not enough. Lol
Rick Schmutzler selling the bars to cover what he owes on Judgments. It’s all onlinem
I heard about this earlier today. And I googled. I read all kinds of stuff. That guy Rick Schmutzler what a sleaze. Good. I’m glad there’s justice and I hope they throw the book at him. I hope he has to sells all his Bars. And pays lots of Restitution. Same goes for the Kristin Schuh Woman. I’m surprised none of the investors tried to kill her.
No I moved to Weho 2009