John Heilman headed for 10th term on the City Council


This December 19th, John Heilman will be sworn in for his 10th term on the West Hollywood City Council. Heilman was elected in 1984 in the first election of cityhood. Over the years Heilman authored many of the laws that took the small town of Sherman to international prominence.

Heilman was defeated in the March 2015 election. After that defeat, at the urging of residents Heilman entered the June runoff for the open seat left by Jeffrey Prang. Heilman finished out the rest of Prang’s term and was re-elected in 2017. Heilman was again defeated in the 2020 election.

Under the term limits initiative passed by voters in 2013 Heilman has only one term left of service.

At the kickoff to Heilman’s campaign this past January, Heilman spoke to re-pairing the relationship with the Chamber of Commerce and business community. Heilman spoke to restoring the sheriff to pre-Covid levels. The public agreed sending John Heilman back to the dais one more time.

John Heilman shared his thoughts with WEHOville:

“Serving the City of West Hollywood is such an incredible honor. I look forward to getting sworn in and getting things done for the community. I especially want to make people in the community feel safe again.

When I was first elected, I was only 27. I never would have thought i would still have the opportunity to serve our community so many years later. I’m so thankful to be given the opportunity to be of service again.”


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[…] just two years later, the man once seen as an aging relic of the Old World Order re-emerged as the comeback kid, winning back a seat on the dais right alongside the youngsters who ousted […]

1 year ago

This article isn’t aging well. I really like Councilmember Heilman and Councilmember Duran, but perhaps going forward WEHOville needs to patiently wait for all the votes to be counted before declaring victors and expressing punditry of the results based on early and skewed returns.

1 year ago

“sending John Heilman back to the dais one more time.”


Eastside Striaght Girl
Eastside Striaght Girl
1 year ago

Living here for 20 + years, I have observed J.Heilman make good decisions & also, really bad ones that many times supported big development & expansion. Since he campaigned so heavily to have his name on the library a while back, I definitely agree that we all need to keep our eyes on him and SPEAK UP when we don’t agree with the direction that he votes. Heilman was a part of the growth, the heart & soul, and the wisdom of what made this city so unique & wonderful. I hope that instead of his name on a building,… Read more »

Tell Me
Tell Me
1 year ago

Heilman’s name will NEVER be on the library (or any other building in West Hollywood) unless he writes it himself in black magic marker/graffiti ink.

Tell Me
Tell Me
1 year ago

Who is the 3rd winner?

1 year ago

Keep an eye on all of his yes votes for his developer and billboard company cronies for the next 4 years. Pathetic.

Support the Community not the overpaid Developers
Support the Community not the overpaid Developers
1 year ago
Reply to  TomSmart

We need to keep an eye on everything! He has already given them paybacks. Now it is time to support the community and keep his feet to the fire.