Updated OpEd: Joke’s on us as UNITE HERE strikes WeHo’s Andaz and 1 Hotel


UNITE HERE Local 11 is threatening to strike.

UNITE HERE pickets outside of Andaz and 1 Hotel as the Mayor Shyne remains silent. Shyne is more interested in the Union demands then she is about West Hollywood’s hotels. UNITE HERE is a major supporter for Shyne’s Congress race.

The strike would begin as early as July 4th and will affect two major West Hollywood hotels. The 1 Hotel and Andaz on the Sunset Strip are both controlled by the UNITE HERE Local 11 union.

But what’s going on? Didn’t we just vote for the highest benefit package in the nation for hotel workers and then roll that out citywide?

Now they want more than the other workers. When does it end?

Mayor Shyne, Mayor Pro Tem Erickson, and Chelsea Byers all received donations and campaign support from UNITE HERE Local 11. Do they have any sway?


I’d like to ask them to ask UNITE HERE to carve out an exemption for West Hollywood hotels.

Are Sepi Shyne, John Erickson, and Chelsea Byers puppets on their string, or can they make sure that the West Hollywood hotels are exempt from the strike?

Keep the WEHO Hotels open!

The hotel ordinance is filled with double standards. Non-union hotels are forced to limit their housekeeping rooms to no more than 3,500 square feet (about 6 rooms) in one day. But the union hotels can ask their housekeepers to clean a whole floor with no square foot limitations.

The Unite Here Local 11 claims to do all in the name of worker rights. The workers we hear from complain about the excessive dues being milked out of their pockets, and by the way workers are protected by state and federal law.

Imagine…if….UNITE HERE unionized ALL the West Hollywood hotels. They would have the ability and control to threaten our total economy. Every business, every resident, every tourist. That can’t be a good thing.

UNITE HERE Local 11 got everything they wanted from the West Hollywood City Council and they still threaten to choke our throats.

Remember that when it comes down to protecting independent business operators.

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G Men Standing Alone
G Men Standing Alone
1 year ago

Shyne, Byers, and Erickson are the most Republican people ever to be elected to public office.

Neoliberal Oral Bottom
Neoliberal Oral Bottom
1 year ago

Oh, the pressure to make a deal with the devil. It’s almost as unbearable as dealing with these pathetic voters. They think they know what’s best for the city, but they’re like a bunch of sheep being led to the slaughterhouse, and I’m the one holding the knife. Sure, the corrupt union that runs this city demands loyalty, but let’s be honest, their money talks louder than any moral compass ever could. And who needs morals when you’ve got a fancy car and a monogrammed tile in the Illunion’s checkerboard fouetté ? These voters may be vocal, thinking they’re the… Read more »

1 year ago

Shyne, Byers, and Erickson are afraid to do anything to right the situation with Unite Here. They wouldn’t exist without the devil’s bargain they made with this rotten union.

1 year ago

Shyne, Byers, and Erickson all received lots of money from Unite Here, Streets for All, and who knows what other entities who attached strings to their donations! So, I doubt if they’re going to do anything to stop the strike or to rid our sidewalks of scooters and motorized delivery robots. Maybe we’re slso stuck with the outzones because restaurant owners are greasing their palms. Same with BBB. Who knows? But it’s possible! If you’re not happy with the way the city is being run, it would be far more powerful to attend the June 26 city council meeting and… Read more »

No Joke
No Joke
1 year ago

It’s certainly no joke. The unsophisticated, uninformed, controlled, shortsighted and greedy city council members that voted in favor of UNITE HERE were voted into office by the unsophisticated, uninformed, shortsighted residents. Consider that.

1 year ago

I think you are making great points, Larry, thank you for articulating it. I believe that when a union like Unite Here teams up with politicians and developers in a small city like West Hollywood, it corrupts and distorts the balance of power and overrides the voice of residents and small local businesses.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
1 year ago
Reply to  Susan

Yes, we should just go back to the old days when it was just developers who were distorting and corrupting the balance of power and excluding the voices of the residents.

1 year ago
Reply to  Larry Block

8850 Sunset. Read their latest PR statements on their site. And check out that they are financial contributions. Is it a rhetorical question that you’re asking about city council members?

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
1 year ago
Reply to  Larry Block

Seriously?; there is a long list going back decades. But 8855 Beverly Blvd. comes to mind.

1 year ago

I can answer “where does it end”: when the Communists on the City Council get their way, where everyone in the City is paid like their executive friends who work for the City, over $400,000 per year, and where everyone gets free or nearly free rent, and there is unlimited so-called “affordable housing”, where the welcome mat is out for any homeless person who made bad life choices, from anywhere. And of course where there are no police or Sheriffs to interfere with all the fun we’re having by balancing the City budget with drug sales of alcohol and cannabis.… Read more »

Long Time Resident
Long Time Resident
1 year ago
Reply to  WehoQueen

Yes, you got it ALL wrong, as usual. You are a very hateful person. Why do you even live here if you hate it so much?

1 year ago

It would be really helpful if you pointed out what I got wrong. Um, I didn’t think so.

1 year ago
Reply to  WehoQueen

Um, yes.

1 year ago
Reply to  WehoQueen

Did I get any of this wrong?”

All of it actually! Glad I could help.

1 year ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

It would have been helpful if you pointed out what specifically I got wrong. Oh. I didn’t think so. You see, when you just say “you’re all wrong”, but don’t provide any specifics, it doesn’t make you look real credible. Hope that helped.

Too Much
Too Much
1 year ago

Unions just cause trouble at this point. CA has extensive labor laws…..and these workers are well paid with benefits.

Four Seasons Santa Barbara just decided to close rather than submit to unreasonable demands.

1 year ago
Reply to  Too Much

I would hope the strikers at the Four Seasons Santa Barbara permanently lost their good jobs, and no other hotel would hire known troublemakers who had it on their resume. It’s a risk for employees to strike, just like it’s a risk for hotel owners to open. Maybe the strikers should have stayed in school longer. I’m totally ok with unions, but it has to be understood there are real risks in striking. It should be they get to strike, and if their demands aren’t met, they get to return to their high paid jobs as if nothing happened. There… Read more »

G Men Standing Alone
G Men Standing Alone
1 year ago

Sepi Shyne, John Erickson, and Chelsea Byers are positively the worst thing that ever happened to West Hollywood.

1 year ago

By George, you got that right! My heart aches for my city