A MaskHole Is Defacing Signs to Deny the Deadly COVID-19 Virus


The MaskHoles are at it.

Rob Bergstein and neighbors on the Eastside of West Hollywood have shared with WEHOville photos of city signs alerting people to the importance of social distancing that have been defaced by what appears to be a COVID-19 disease denier.

“Lies” is spray painted across the yard signs on Genesee Avenue, Curson Avenue and Hampton Avenue. 

The signs call out the importance of staying at home (except for essential tasks), wearing a face covering, and keeping your distance from others to reduce the chance you will be exposed to the virus  in West Hollywood, where one of every 77 residents has been confirmed to have been infected.

As part of its edgy “Don’t be a maskhole!” campaign,  the City of West Hollywood has put up banners all over the city with messages to cover that face and maintain your space. The street pole banners have been installed on 280 street light poles throughout the city along commercial corridors. Digital graphics have been added to the rotation of images and advertising on large digital billboards on the Sunset Strip and at The Gateway, as well as to digital billboards in bus shelters in West Hollywood.

Bergstein said he has reported the defacing of the signs to the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station.  Sheriff’s deputies have been out enforcing the city’s requirement to wear a face covering in public by issuing tickets that come with a fine of $250 with an added $50 administration fee.

Information about the COVID-19 virus and resources available to deal with the impact of it can be found on the city’s website.

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4 years ago

Lmao. Good guy

4 years ago

Love this person. Such a scam

Vincent Campisi
Vincent Campisi
4 years ago

I don’t condone this but I understand it. Haven’t we had enough of this fear already?Don’t understand why the city spent our money on all those signs and put them all over the city at such a late date? Maybe to escalate fear and push mail in voting? I believe all five members on the council should step down, they are completely out of touch, and where are they during this pandemic? Why is city hall still closed? They are breaking the backs of the residence, business owners and landlords. Why don’t we just become part of Los Angeles since… Read more »

4 years ago

Although masks are the best defense and offense, this campaign appears juvenile and not the least bit compelling. Folks need to take this seriously otherwise it’s little more than a joke. What city department created this?

John doe
John doe
4 years ago

Using shaming and to get people to comply to public health measures is patronizing at best, and counter-productive at worst. Masking is merely harm reduction, IMO. This ‘maskhole’ campaign messaging is tone deaf, based on the foolish presupposition that “if everyone just wore a mask” we could get back to normal!

Criticisms of the federal admin response, corporate worker safety negligence AND bumbled public health protocols are entirely larger factors than petty individual choices. Should someone who doesn’t recycle be blamed for climate change more than multinational cooperate polluters?

4 years ago

These lockdowns are destroying more lives than they are supposedly preventing.

Richard K.
Richard K.
4 years ago

Yes, the person doing this must be a really big maskhole!

4 years ago

I would choose to err on the side of caution here, and start fining people without masks in public.

Great “Maskholes” campaign. The word says it all.

4 years ago
Reply to  Andrea

The real word would say it better.

4 years ago

Do you believe everything the government tells you?

4 years ago

This could easily be a number of commenters on this very website…

Lots of crazy people in Weho.

4 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedboy

Crazy because they want to save their businesses and can’t afford 3 more months of a lockdown? Wear your mask and stop insulting people.

4 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

yeah, because spray painting “lies” on a lawn sign is going to save their business…

4 years ago

Stay home. Until the day after the election. Then you will never hear about coronavirus again.

4 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

You do realize COVID-19 has affected the whole world, right? It is not a democrat hoax or exclusive to the U.S.

4 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedboy

The whole world has opened back up and gone back to business. Why haven’t we?

4 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

We haven’t opened up because the Covidiot in Chief failed to keep our country as safe as possible.

4 years ago
Reply to  Observer

A little familiarity with the U.S. Constitution would tell you that, unlike other countries, the president is not King and he has to defer to the individual state governors in many areas, with lockdowns being one. The president can stop incoming travel from other countries, which he did in January (and was called a xenophobe by many, including Biden), but the concept of federalism (badly named) disallows him from any authority over the states. Greeneyedboy, we wouldn’t be in this mess if it weren’t for the selfish disregard and recklessness of China’s leaders, so let’s not suggest that we copy… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

Most European countries had a country-wide lockdown. President Trump REFUSED to do that and spout off crazy predictions about COVID being gone by April. (LOL).

China literally locked people in their apartment building so they wouldn’t go out and spread the disease.

And no, the whole world hasn’t opened back up. Many countries are still requiring people to wear masks when they go out.

4 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedboy

Please see my comment right above, greeneyedboy.

Jimmy Palmieri
4 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

We are still in trouble because we have a man/boy who is squatting in the white house, who has done nothing but make people believe that masks are for snowflakes. In the history of this country, there has not been a more idiotic man making the most important world decisions. WE ARE MASK. THEN WE COULD OPEN. EVERY SINGLE MASKHOLE IS NOW TO BLAME.

4 years ago

There are a lot of people who believe COVID and the need for mask-wearing and social distancing has been exaggerated at best. I’d like to see more objective reporting on the matter.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dennis

Yeah can’t we get more objective reporting? More interviews with the MyPillow CEO, kooky demon sperm doctors and Qanon people. We need the expert’s opinions!

4 years ago
Reply to  Dennis

‘More objective reporting’
How is the reporting you’re seeing fall short of your ideal?

Steve Too
Steve Too
4 years ago
Reply to  Dennis

There’s a clear difference between what “People who believe” and facts from medical and scientific professionals.

Children believe in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy.

Adults use facts to make decisions.