West Hollywood Receives Top Score from LGBTQ Rights Group Ratings of Cities Nationwide


It’s not a surprise to hear that the city of West Hollywood is an LGBTQ-friendly city, but nonetheless, the city just received further proof of that from a large LGBTQ-rights group.

The Human Rights Campaign has given the city a score of 100 on its 2020 Municipal Equality Index (MEI), a nationwide evaluation of a city’s laws affecting the LGBTQ community.  A 100 is the highest score a city can receive from the yearly MEI ratings. This year, HRC rated a total of 506 cities.

“Nine consecutive years of receiving a top score on the Human Rights Campaign’s Municipal Equality Index is something that the City of West Hollywood is incredibly proud of and that we do not take for granted,” said Mayor Lindsey Horvath in a statement.

“The outgoing federal administration has actively sought to dismantle legislative protections of LGBTQ people and to introduce anti-LGBTQ policies,” Horvath continued. “We know we will have a new LGBTQ-friendly administration to look forward to in 2021, but we cannot rest for a moment in continuing to not only protect the rights of LGBTQ people, but also to continue to maintain our efforts for full equality. The City of West Hollywood will continue to support our community members here in West Hollywood as we stand up for LGBTQ people everywhere.”

Launched in 2012, the MEI examines the laws, policies, and services of municipalities of various sizes from every state in the nation and rates them on the basis of their inclusivity of LGBT people living and working in those cities. In that initial 2012 survey, HRC ranked just 137 cities.

West Hollywood received 17 bonus points in recognition of specific services such as those to LGBTQ youth, seniors, and homeless people; services to people with HIV/AIDS; and services to transgender people. The city also received bonus calculations for its single-occupancy all-gender facilities, for its employee domestic partner benefits, and for its openly LGBTQ elected municipal leaders.


A city-sponsored community survey in 2019 showed that 43% of West Hollywood residents identify as being part of the LGBTQ community. That 43% breaks down to 33% gay men, four percent lesbian, three percent bisexual and three percent sexually fluid.

For a complete breakdown of the particulars of West Hollywood’s score, CLICK HERE.

A total of 94 cities in the United States received top scores from HRC. Other California cities also receiving a score of 100 on the MEI are:

  • Berkeley
  • Cathedral City
  • Chula Vista
  • Long Beach
  • Los Angeles
  • Oakland
  • Oceanside
  • Palm Springs
  • Rancho Mirage
  • Riverside
  • Sacramento
  • San Diego
  • San Francisco
  • Santa Monica

A city’s MEI score is based on its non-discrimination laws, its recognition of relationships, its fairness and inclusiveness as an employer, its municipal services, its law enforcement, and its relationship with its LGBTQ community. Detailed scorecard information is posted on the HRC website at  https://www.hrc.org/resources/municipal-equality-index

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