Advertising: Frequently Asked Questions

Q – Why advertise online?

A – Reaching your customers is difficult when they rarely walk around looking for what they want. More and more people go online to receive their news, information, reviews, etc., and the best way to reach those who are young, affluent, and well-educated is online. Online advertising can help your business reach potential customers where they’re spending most of their time.

Moreover, unlike print advertising, our online ads are interactive. From being able to click directly to your site to showing a fantastic video ad, we can make sure your ads are lively and enticing, as opposed to static and expendable.

Q – I’ve tried advertising before, it didn’t work. How do I know this will?

A – Advertising isn’t just about putting your message in front of an audience. It’s about crafting the perfect message to reach that audience, identifying your target market to narrow in on the right people, and tracking your performance over time to see what works and what doesn’t. At, we work with you to craft the right message and test your ad over time. In fact, we encourage you to purchase more than one round of advertising, since that gives us more time to work with you and find out what type of ad gets the best results from our audience.

Moreover, we focus exclusively on the West Hollywood area, which means you’ll be reaching people who are most likely to visit your business. With other local publications like LA Weekly, LA Times or Frontiers Magazine, your ad is thrown into wide circulations that reach across Los Angeles to Long Beach and even to San Diego.

On, you can reach a targeted audience of young, educated and affluent individuals right here in West Hollywood, and we’ll work with you to ensure your advertising is as effective as possible.

Q – How many people will see my ad?

A – Between 60,000 and 100,000 individuals visit over the course of a month. Buying an ad exposes these visitors to your message, and at, we try our best to make sure ads are prominently displayed and attract readers’ attention. By posting an average of five stories each day, we draw readers’ focus down the page and along our prominent ad spots.

Q – Where do your readers live?

A – The vast majority of readers are concentrated in West Hollywood and surrounding areas, from Beverly Hills to Hollywood to the WeHo Design District on Melrose Avenue and Beverly Boulevard. About 83 percent of our readers live in West Hollywood and neighboring communities (‘Los Angeles’ in Google Analytics) according to web metrics. A small number of our regular readers visit the site from outside the area — they are likely readers engaged /’with our gay content, which spans across the country or frequent tourists to West Hollywood looking for more information.

Q – Do you know the demographics of your readers?

A – Our readers skew to men between 25 and 44. Quantcast shows that 44 percent of our visitors have income between $50,000 and $150,000 and another 13 percent have income above $150,000 (far above the U.S. average of 8 percent). Seventy-seven percent of our visitors do not have children (enabling more purchasing power) and 76 percent have a college degree or higher.

These figures show that when you advertise on, you know you’re reaching thousands of young, well-educated, affluent potential customers every month. You can see the full breakdown of our demographics as measured by Quantcast here.

Q – What’s the difference between pageviews and visits, and how does that affect my ads?

A – Pageviews measure just that: the number of pages viewed by a visitor. During a single visit, a reader may read the homepage, click on a headline to read a news item, and visit our events page. That would be a total of three pageviews from a single visit. The more pages our readers load, the more opportunities they have to see your ad. Our ad placements span across the site, and we get 140,000 to 230,000 pageviews and 60,000 to 100,000 visits in a month.

Q – Who prepares my ad and what are the ad sizes?

A – All of the prices on our rate sheet assume that you are preparing your ad and it will be delivered to us in .jpeg or .gif format. Our excellent graphic designers are happy to create your ad if needed. You also can change your ad anytime during the run for free (which we encourage for optimal performance).

The ad sizes are:

  • Top Leaderboard: 728×90 pixels
  • Large Leaderboard: 970×90 pixels
  • In-line: 468×60 pixels
  • Marquee Skyscraper: 300×600 pixels
  • Marquee Rectangle: 300×250 pixels
  • Feature: 300×250 pixels
  • Email newsletter ad: 600×300 pixels

We can accommodate other sizes on our sidebar, inline content or other areas of the site.

Q – Which ad placement is right for my business?

A – Here is a rundown on each of the ad placements we offer:

  • Top Leaderboard – This is the banner that runs at the top of the page and is perfect for special promotions or events. It’s sold weekly but is available for longer terms.
  • Large Leaderboard – A banner that spans horizontally across the page underneath our menu bar. It’s a prime spot that’s sure to bring you attention. Perfect for special promotions and events. Available weekly or monthly.
  • In-line – Also a horizontal strip sold weekly or monthly that shows between news posts as users scroll down. Like the Header, it is good for special events or promotions and is available for longer terms.
  • Marquee Positions – The top ad block on the right side of the page has the highest visibility of our monthly ad spaces. Designed to give great reader exposure and prominence. It comes in two sizes.
  • Feature – These are the four blocks below the Marquee position. They offer high visibility at a reduced cost.

Q – What is the ad rotation?

A – Each of our monthly and weekly ad slots is sold to one to four advertisers. When the page loads for a reader, one advertiser is displayed and on the next page load, another advertiser is displayed. An advertiser can purchase all four rotations.

Right now, our 60,000 to 100,000 monthly visitors load 130,000 to 230,000 pages, so your ad is guaranteed high exposure to readers.

Q – How do WEHOville’s Facebook and Twitter accounts benefit my ad?

A – Our social media presence helps direct readers to the pages where your ad is displayed. Many of our visitors come to our site through our Facebook and Twitter pages, and we only publish headlines there so readers must click over to the actual site in order to read our stories. This ensures more visibility for your ad, since our ads show up on every page, article and post.

Q – What else do you offer besides Banner Ads?

A – Our job is to help you decide the best way to reach the audience for your product or service so that your West Hollywood business will grow and thrive. Here are other ways we can promote your business:

Event Sponsorships: We offer sponsorships for custom contests and events. We’ll work with your business to create an event that will bring more people to your doors, or partner with you on one of our own events. We also work with businesses to sponsor online contests, such as our popular WeHo’s Cutest Dog Contest, to provide more exposure for them. Contact us for guidelines, rates and info.

Social media marketing: We have 5,000 Facebook followers and 2,000 Twitter followers. We can work to connect you with our audience via social media, or our social media savvy team can help you build your own audience.

Native ads/sponsored content: WEHOville offers sponsored content–including editorial pieces either you or we create–as a way for some marketing partners to reach our audience. Contact us for guidelines, rates and info.

For more info on what we offer across WEHOville and WeShopWeHo, view our Media Kit.

Q – Are there any discounts available for advertising on

A – Yes – We offer a variety of discounts. Long-term contracts of three-, six- or 12-months have associated discounts. Multiple Sponsored Posts are sold at a package discount.

We try to accommodate any budget, so contact us if you have questions on cost. We’ll work with you to create an affordable and effective ad campaign tailored to your business.

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