West Hollywood drag queens Rhea Litré, at left, and Vicky VoxNightlife personalities Anderson Brooks, at left, and Kiki XtravaganzaHector Monserratte, at left, and Vicky VoxFrom left to right, Sarah Smart, Leona Habib and Rhea LitréDoug Hutchison, at left, with Courtney Stodden.At left, Jake Ogden with Anderson Brooks
Mayor Jeff Prang, at left, with Vicky VoxFrom left to right, Doug Hutchison, Courtney Stodden and Anderson Brooks.West Hollywood interior designer Bobby TrendFrom left to right, Courtney Stodden, Bobby Trend and Brooke Candy.Party host and WeHo Confidential editor Lucas John, at right
West Hollywood City Councilmember John Duran, at left, with Vicky Vox