SEE: Who Turned Up to WeHo Confidential’s ‘Who’s Who Rewards Show’

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West Hollywood drag queens Rhea Litré, at left, and Vicky Vox
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Nightlife personalities Anderson Brooks, at left, and Kiki Xtravaganza
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Hector Monserratte, at left, and Vicky Vox
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From left to right, Sarah Smart, Leona Habib and Rhea Litré
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Doug Hutchison, at left, with Courtney Stodden.
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At left, Jake Ogden with Anderson Brooks

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Mayor Jeff Prang, at left, with Vicky Vox
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From left to right, Doug Hutchison, Courtney Stodden and Anderson Brooks.
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West Hollywood interior designer Bobby Trend
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From left to right, Courtney Stodden, Bobby Trend and Brooke Candy.
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Party host and WeHo Confidential editor Lucas John, at right

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West Hollywood City Councilmember John Duran, at left, with Vicky Vox

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