WeHo and Micky’s Host Candlelight Vigil for Pulse Victims

Micky's on Santa Monica Boulevard in West Hollywood.
Micky’s on Santa Monica Boulevard in West Hollywood.

West Hollywood residents are invited to a candlelight vigil tonight at Micky’s West Hollywood in memory of those who died or were wounded in Sunday’s mass murder at Pulse, the gay bar in Orlando.

The candlelight vigil, organized in conjunction with the City of West Hollywood, will take place at 7 p.m. at Micky’s West Hollywood. The bar is located at 8857 Santa Monica Blvd.

The LA LGBT Center also is hosting a ceremony in memory of the Pulse victims at  7 p.m. on the South Lawn of Los Angeles City Hall  on W. 1st Street between Spring Street and Main Street. Among those scheduled to speak are the Center ‘s CEO, Lorri L. Jean; Latino Equality Alliance Co-Founder and Advisory Board Chair Ari Gutiérrez Arámbula; Bienestar President and CEO Oscar De La O, and Maria Roman from the Asian Pacific AIDS Intervention Team (APAIT).  The Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles will perform.

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8 years ago

It wasn’t just at the bar. It was in the streets the sidewalks. It was beautiful. Respect that they did support

8 years ago

I was very very disappointed in this Vigil.
It felt like it wasnt even about the victims. It was a stage for random individuals to get on their soapbox and talk about all the suffering they have gone through in the past. There was literally NOTHING said about the victims I was so confused. After everyone got done ranting about how miserable they were before coming out i was expecting names to be read, to see pictures of the victims but nothing.. the music came on and just like that it was all over..

8 years ago

@Mike Dolan – The city of Los Angeles did have a formal vigil Downtown and it was not held at a nightclub. I am grateful that the city of West Hollywood organized something on such short notice for those who couldn’t make it Downtown. And while I understand that not everyone frequents bars or nightclubs for various reasons, they are indeed historically symbolic as sanctuaries that are supposed to be “safe”.

Mike Dolan
Mike Dolan
8 years ago

Keith I respect your comments, However, there are any number of venues (PDC, Plummer Park, City Hall and community plaza that would have been a better choice. Now knowing your ties to WHCC, and the Mayor’s and friends allegiances to small businesses; I hope the slaughter of the Orlando victims were not further victimized by the possible interest of commerce for Micky’s. I can’t imagine that could be. Seems odd! With that said, no other City (including Orlando) chose a bar to hold a candlelight vigil. Nationwide, others chose to be as open and inclusive and focused on the loss… Read more »

8 years ago

Perhaps Donald Trump’s statements are not politically correct but the bottom line he is right. It was lax immigration policies by the Clinton administration that allowed the 9/11 terrorists to enter the United States and learn how to fly commercial airliners. It was the Obama Administration that allowed one of the San Bernadino terrorists to enter the United States with only a thumb print to verify if she was a terrorist or not. Donald Trump’s policy is we must be able to thoroughly investigate each immigrant to assure they are not terrorists or are not connected in anyway to known… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  fine7760

The shooter was born in New York and his family has been here for over 30 years, get real.

Keith Kaplan
Keith Kaplan
8 years ago

As news of the LGBT sponsored vigil downtown at City Hall spread, many in our community felt the need to hold our own vigil in West Hollywood. This was important both for symbolic and practical reasons. Our community deserved its own place to grieve, and for many, the trek downtown would be difficult or impossible. Our city, more than any other, is globally recognized for our values of inclusiveness and acceptance that allowed us to create a safe home for LGBT people from around the world…to live, to work and to play. And because of our role as ground zero… Read more »

8 years ago

I don’t agree that Micky’s is inappropriate. A nightclub is the very place where this tragedy happened. If you are sober, then don’t drink. But I actually think that in this case, it is honorable to hold a vigil in a nightclub. I’m reminded of a twitter post I saw posted several times yesterday. It read “If you can’t wrap your head around a bar or club as a sanctuary, you’ve probably never been afraid to hold someone’s hand in public” (Jeramey Kraatz). On a personal level, I also appreciate Micky’s as the venue, as this was the very nightclub… Read more »

8 years ago

While some may find it inappropriate for Mickeys to hold a Candle Light Vigil one must remember it was at a club where the mass murders took place. So many young, innocent young people losing their lives because our government refuses to protect us against those Islamic Terrorist, something Obama refuses to say. It’s time those who subscribe to these hated views to be either jailed or expelled from the United States even if they were born here. Our safety is far more important than those who wish to harm us. In the meanwhile we should arm ourselves so as… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  fine7760

I love when people say, everyone should be armed and shooting. Could you imagine how many more would die in that scenario? I would agree to armed security, but not everyone being gun toting.It’s inappropriate to label the terrorist, unless we are going to do it across the board.

8 years ago

I agree as well, I did not get this at all. Plenty of other public spaces in Weho.

8 years ago

I agree with Mike Dolan. Very tacky to have a vigil in a bar or nightclub. What is WeHo smoking? 🙂

Mike Dolan
Mike Dolan
8 years ago

This is perplexing??? The City of Los Angeles is having a candlelight vigil at City Hall. It seems to me to be somewhat inappropriate and disrespectful to hold a candlelight vigil at a bar. I am with Orlando and victims, families and friends of the historic mass-shooting. The City of West Hollywood could have chosen our own City Hall, Plummer Park… somewhere where any and all would feel peace in showing their remembrances’. With no personal disrespect to Micky’s; a sober candlelight vigil is called for. We must be inclusive of our community as-a-whole. Those in recovery or those just… Read more »