Sheriff’s Weekly Crime Report (April 25-May 1)


April 25th
Grand Theft
7100 block Santa Monica Blvd
04/25/2022 @ 2100. A man removed clothing and three vacuums from a display area and left the store without payment. #02403
April 26th
Grand Theft
7100 block Santa Monica Blvd
04/26/2022 @ 1905. A man ran from the store with an IPad that was handed to him by an employee so he could enter his account information. #02407
Grand Theft
8900 block Santa Monica Blvd
04/26/2022 @ 0142. A man removed a Louis Vuitton duffle bag containing clothing and makeup from the employee dressing room after it was left momentarily unattended by the victim. #02410
April 27th
Gun (Suspect Arrested)
9200 block Sunset Blvd
04/27/2022 @ 0818. The victim approached his parked vehicle and found the suspect stealing items from his unlocked vehicle. The suspect pointed a handgun at the victim and then fled the area on foot. #02421
Hands, Fist, Feet (Suspect Arrested)
Formosa Avenue / Santa Monica Blvd
04/27/2022 @ 1130. A man began acting erratically while riding a bus and suddenly tackled an LA Metro employee who was mentoring a new driver. The bus stopped and the suspect stepped off the bus onto the sidewalk. Without provocation, the suspect pushed an elderly woman violently to the ground, which caused her to hit the back of her head on the cement and lose consciousness. The suspect was located and arrested by responding deputies. #02423
Vehicle Burglary
8500 block West Knoll Drive
04/27/2022 @ 1600-1750. An unknown suspect smashed the front passenger’s side window and removed a Chanel dress, skirt, and pants from the interior. #02430
Vehicle Burglary
8800 block Santa Monica Blvd
04/27/2022 @ 2258. An unknown suspect smashed the front passenger’s side window and removed a backpack containing a laptop computer, clothing, $30 cash, and a CDL from the front floorboard. #02439
Vehicle Burglary
800 block San Vicente Blvd
04/27/2022 @ 1930-2330. An unknown suspect smashed the rear passenger’s side window and removed a backpack containing clothing items from the backseat. #02443
Vehicle Burglary
9000 block Santa Monica Blvd
04/27/2022 @ 2009-0219. An unknown suspect smashed the front passenger’s side window and removed a backpack containing a laptop computer from the rear floorboard. #02444
April 28th
Nothing significant to report.
April 29th
Knife (Suspect Arrested)
7100 Block Fountain Avenue
04/29/2022 @ 0630. A man picked up his bike and hit the victim’s driver’s side car mirror while walking in the crosswalk, which broke the mirror. The victim exited his car and attempted to take a picture of the suspect, which caused the suspect to pull a knife and charge at the victim. The suspect was located and arrested by responding deputies. #02465
Strong Arm Robbery
1200 block La Brea Avenue
04/29/2022 @ 0947. A woman was loading groceries into the trunk of her vehicle when a man approached her from behind and used his shoulder to knock the victim off balance. The suspect grabbed the victim’s purse and a struggle ensued, during which the suspect threw the victim to the ground and ran away with her purse. #02467
Vehicle Burglary
1000 block Formosa Avenue
04/29/2022 @ 2230-2336. An unknown suspect smashed the rear passenger’s side window and ransacked the interior but did not take anything. #02487
Vehicle Burglary
1000 block Formosa Avenue
04/29/2022 @ 2300-0100. An unknown suspect smashed the rear passenger’s side window and removed a laptop computer, cell phone, and gift cards from the back seat. #02523
April 30th
Other Weapon (Suspect Arrested)
8900 block Sunset Blvd
04/30/2022 @ 2000. A man swung a broken glass at the victim after he was asked to leave the business. The victim suffered a cut to his finger. The suspect was arrested by responding deputies. #02498
Grand Theft (Suspect Arrested)
Santa Monica Blvd / Robertson Blvd
04/30/2022 @ 0150. A woman removed a cell phone from the victim’s purse while on the sidewalk. The suspect was arrested by responding deputies. #02489
Grand Theft
600 block N Robertson Blvd
04/30/2022 @ 0100-0118. An unknown suspect removed a cell phone from the victim’s jacket pocket while inside the club. #02497
Grand Theft
9200 block Sunset Blvd
04/30/2022 @ 0130. An unknown suspect bumped into the victims and removed two cell phones from their purses while inside the club. #02511
Grand Theft
8900 block Santa Monica Blvd
04/30/2022 @ 0000-0030. An unknown suspect removed a cell phone from the victim’s front pocket while inside the club. #02516
Vehicle Burglary
7300 block Romaine Street
04/30/2022 @ 1700-0500. An unknown suspect smashed the front passenger’s side window and removed a tool bag containing miscellaneous tools from the interior. #02504
May 1st
Grand Theft
600 block N Robertson Blvd
05/01/2022 @ 0230. An unknown suspect removed a cell phone from the victim’s purse while inside the club. #02536
This report lists Part 1 Crimes for the date range shown and is not meant to be a complete list of all Part 1 crime. Refer to for a more comprehensive listing of incidents in West Hollywood.
William Moulder, Acting Captain
West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
780 N San Vicente Boulevard
West Hollywood, CA 90069
(310) 855-8850
LASD Text & Email (Register at
West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station polices the City of West Hollywood and the unincorporated communities of Franklin Canyon, Universal City (which includes Universal Theme Park, Studios, and Citywalk), and the Federal Enclave in West Los Angeles.
Partner to prevent or report crime by contacting the West Hollywood station. Or, if you wish to remain anonymous, call “LA Crime Stoppers” by dialing 800-222-TIPS (8477), texting the letters TIPLA plus your tip to CRIMES (274637), or using the website
Alex Villaneuva, Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
To receive more detailed, up-to-date information directly from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) via e-mail, register for “Nixle” alerts at or more directly at and register for “LASD – Headquarters Newsroom (SHB), Los Angeles County Sheriff” and your local LASD station area. Or, text your zip code to 888777 to receive text alerts.

LASD – West Hollywood Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
780 N San Vicente Blvd
West Hollywood, CA 90069

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 310-855-8850

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2 years ago

Larry, where is the op-ed on this issue?

Bad Thieves
Bad Thieves
2 years ago

Now thieves are stealing vacuum cleaners? This is reprehensible!!!!